Hazards Turpentine

as organic solvent, vapour can irritate skin , eyes, damage lungs , respiratory system, central nervous system when inhaled, , cause damage renal system when ingested, among other things. being combustible, poses fire hazard. because turpentine can cause spasms of airways particularly in people asthma , whooping cough, can contribute worsening of breathing issues in persons these diseases if inhaled.

people can exposed turpentine in workplace breathing in, skin absorption, swallowing it, , eye contact. occupational safety , health administration (osha) has set legal limit (permissible exposure limit) turpentine exposure in workplace 100 ppm (560 mg/m) on 8-hour workday. national institute occupational safety , health (niosh) has set recommended exposure limit (rel) of 100 ppm (560 mg/m) on 8-hour workday. @ levels of 800 ppm, turpentine dangerous life , health.


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