Broadcast List of Doctor Who audio plays by Big Finish

in 2005, 6 of audio dramas featuring paul mcgann eighth doctor broadcast on digital radio station bbc 7: storm warning, sword of orion, stones of venice, invaders mars, shada (originally created webcast on bbc s online service), , chimes of midnight. these plays rebroadcast on bbc7 beginning in july 2006. chimes of midnight repeated again part of new eighth doctor adventures series 1 & 2 in 2009.

in january 2007, new series of eighth doctor audio adventures broadcast on bbc7. these starred mcgann alongside sheridan smith aforementioned new companion lucie miller. there 8 50-minute episodes in total; first , last stories 2 parters, , rest single episodes. these adventures have since been released on cd. in 2008, bbc7 broadcast second series of new eighth doctor adventures (which big finish had released on cd) bar final two-part story. fourteen episodes repeated in 2009, , final two-part story later year. big finish has gone on produce 2 further series of these adventures, , 4 selected stories third series aired in 2010, bbc radio 4 (as radio 7 became) skipping ahead fourth series in 2013.

in may/june 2011, bbc radio 4 broadcast fifth doctor stories cobwebs, whispering forest, , cradle of snake. in may/june 2012, these followed seventh doctor stories thousand tiny wings, survival of fittest, klein s story , architects of history.

for 50th anniversary of show, bbc radio 4 repeated several stories , broadcast 2 new stories; protect , survive starring sylvester mccoy , 1963: fanfare common men starring peter davison.

in may 2015, bbc radio 4 broadcast first series of fourth doctor adventures starring tom baker , louise jameson.

in 2016, station broadcast run of sixth doctor adventures: crimes of thomas brewster (28 may - 4 june), industrial evolution (11 - 18 june) , curse of davros (25 june - 2 july).


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