Republic of Ireland v Ireland Names of the Irish state

ultimately, british responded passing ireland act 1949 provided that:

it culmination of careful consideration prime minister attlee. put refusal use title republic of ireland in circumstances involve [the uk] in continuing friction eire government: perpetuate inconveniences , indignities experience result of our present policy of insisting on title eire against dublin s preference ireland.

hence, ireland act formally provided name republic of ireland use instead of name eire in british law. later name eire abolished entirely in british law under statute law (repeals) act 1981. has meant republic of ireland name irish state officially provided in domestic uk law.

notwithstanding ireland act, british government continue refer irish state other names such irish republic or southern ireland. example of in treaty of london, 1949. uk government had been centrally involved in preparing treaty signed in london , established council of europe. treaty consistently describes irish state irish republic. opposition leader, Éamon de valera, queried this. minister external affairs, sean macbride, responded agreed description not possibly accurate have liked . yet said term irish republic used in treaty in general sense in way country described; french republic, irish republic, italian republic, kingdom of netherlands , on. however, leading opposition politician, frank aiken, not satisfied response. speaking in dáil, aiken cited article 26 of treaty names of countries given belgium , denmark , france , not republic of france or french republic noting 1 expect next thing 1 find ireland , instead have belgium, denmark, france, irish republic, italy, luxembourg , on. aiken remarked british mps wanted popularise name irish republic . asked taoiseach, john costello clear name of state going in international documents, international agreements , matters of kind. aiken expressed view want keep name given in constitution, ireland , in order show our claim whole island of ireland , in international documents, in opinion, state should alluded ireland or republic of ireland .

the following month minister external affairs clarified @ council of europe ireland how state should described. reported on in times on 8 august 1949 in following terms:

therefore, uk s ireland act , provision of republic of ireland uk name irish state, dispute on names of respective states continue between uk , irish governments. irish, republic of ireland still not name of state, merely description. brief period coming effect of republic of ireland act until second half of 1950 irish government inconsistent in way described , state: @ times described internationally government of republic of ireland; @ other times continued insist name of irish state ireland.

from second half of 1950, irish government reverted consistently styling government of ireland. irish state joined united nations in 1955 ireland on protests concerning name united kingdom. similarly, united kingdom protested when irish state admitted european economic community in 1973 ireland. australia several years following declaration of republic refused exchange ambassadors dublin on basis of name ireland rather republic of ireland , on basis have involved recognition of territorial claim part of his/her majesty s dominions. legacy of dispute designation of irish legation in london irish embassy , rather title embassy of ireland preferred dublin. further commonwealth anomaly title of monarch in canada. in 1950, following declaration of republic irish , canadian high commissioners replaced ambassdors/ministers plenipotentiary, accredited on basis of sovereign s title in canada still encompassing whole of ireland. in 1952, following accession of elizabeth ii, , prior revised definition of royal title in 1953, canada s preferred format was: elizabeth second, grace of god, of great britain, ireland , british dominions beyond seas.

for part, irish government disputed right of british state call united kingdom of great britain , northern ireland. irish government objected words , northern ireland in name of british state. name ran against irish state s territorial claim northern ireland. dispute on names of respective states apparent when 2 states concluded bilateral treaties. example, when anglo-irish agreement made in 1984 between 2 states, british text of agreement gave formal title agreement between government of united kingdom of great britain , northern ireland , government of republic of ireland whereas irish government s text of same agreement gave formal title agreement between government of ireland , government of united kingdom .

the government information bureau in 1953 issued directive, noting article 4 of 1937 constitution gave name Éire or, in english language, ireland ; noted whenever name of state mentioned in english language document, ireland should used , care should taken , directive stated, avoid use of expression republic of ireland or irish republic in such context or in such manner might suggest geographical term applicable area of twenty‐six counties. directive according daly remained in use number of years , copy sent bord fáilte, (the irish tourist board), in 1959, reminding them not use title republic of ireland on promotional literature.

in 1963, under auspices of council of europe, revise geography textbooks, irish department of education issued guidelines delegates on politically correct geographic terminology: british isles , united kingdom deemed objectionable , delegates insist on ireland , great britain. term republic of ireland should avoided delegates no longer insist on 6 counties in place of northern ireland in attempt improve relations northern ireland.

in february 1964, irish government indicated wish appoint ambassador canberra. 1 issue, however, blocked exchange of ambassadors had been insistence of australia letters carried irish ambassador should have royal title elizabeth second, of united kingdom of great britain , northern ireland, australia , other realms , territories, queen. was, according daly, despite fact australian royal style , titles act did not mention northern ireland, referring united kingdom, australia etc. however, november when eoin macwhite presented credentials irish ambassador australia, circular issued australian government departments indicating them use word ireland rather irish republic . uk mid-1960s country not refer state ireland.

in 1985 british command papers described anglo-irish agreement agreement between government of united kingdom of great britain , northern ireland , government of republic of ireland , irish official papers described agreement between government of ireland , government of united kingdom . british foreign , commonwealth office referred ireland republic of ireland - since 2000 has referred state ireland. credentials presented british ambassador, stewart eldon, in 2003, addressed president of ireland.


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