Military Polish Underground State

regional organization of armia krajowa in 1944

the military arm of polish underground state consisted of various branches of armia krajowa (ak) and, until 1942, union of armed struggle. arm of state designed prepare polish society future fight country s liberation. apart armed resistance, sabotage, intelligence, training, , propaganda, state s military arm responsible maintaining communication london-based government in exile, , protecting civilian arm of state.

the armia krajowa s primary resistance operations sabotage of german activities, including transports headed eastern front in soviet union. sabotage of german rail , road transports eastern front extensive estimated 1 eighth of german transports eastern front destroyed or delayed due ak s activities.

the ak fought several full-scale battles against germans, particularly in 1943 , 1944 during operation tempest. tied down significant german forces, worth @ least several divisions (upper estimates suggest 930,000 troops), diverting much-needed supplies, while trying support soviet military. polish intelligence operatives supplied valuable intelligence information allies; 43 percent of reports received british secret services continental europe in 1939–45 came polish sources. @ height, ak numbered on 400,000 , recognized 1 of 3 largest, or largest, resistance movement of war. axis fatalities due actions of polish underground, of ak formed bulk, estimated @ 150,000.


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