List of Apple certification programs Apple certification programs

1 list of apple certification programs

1.1 hardware
1.2 trainers , training centers

1.2.1 software certifications
1.2.2 mac os x , certifications

list of apple certification programs

apple authorized training centers (aatc)


apple certified macintosh technician (acmt)

apple certified desktop technician (acdt)
apple certified portable technician (acpt)

trainers , training centers

apple certified trainer (act)
apple authorized training centers (aatcs)
apple authorized training centers education (aatces)

software certifications

apple certified pro

final cut pro
final cut express
dvd studio pro
logic pro
color management
xsan pro video
soundtrack pro

apple certified master pro

final cut studio
logic studio

mac os x , certifications

apple certified support professional (acsp)
apple certified technical coordinator (actc)
apple certified system administrator (acsa)
apple certified specialist (acs)
apple certified media administrator (acma)
xsan 2 administrator


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