Figures Gotthard Base Tunnel


total: 151.840 km (94.349 mi)
western tube: 57.017 km (35.429 mi)
eastern tube: 57.104 km (35.483 mi)

diameter of each of single-track tubes: 8.83–9.58 m (29.0–31.4 ft)
distance between cross passage tube: ca. 325 m (1,066 ft)
numbers of cross passage tubes: 178
maximum overburden:2,450 m (8,040 ft) (at piz vatgira)
start of construction: 1993 (sounding drills), 1996 (preparations), 4 november 1999 (official start, first blasting), 2003 (mechanical excavation)
breakthrough: 15 october 2010 (eastern tube), 23 march 2011 (western tube)
commissioning: may 2016
inauguration/opening: 1 june 2016
start of daily passenger service: 11 december 2016 (see public transport timetable#switzerland)
total cost: chf 9.560 billion (as of december 2015)
trains per day (projected): 180–260 freight trains, 50 (65 2020) passenger trains
passengers per day (actual): 9,600 (first 6 months)
freight per day (actual): 67,000 tons on 120 trains (first half year)
electrification system: 15 kv, 16.7 hz
maximal speed: 250 kilometres per hour (155.3 mph)
operational speed: freight trains – minimal 100 km/h (62 mph); passenger trains – 200 km/h (124 mph)
travel time: passenger trains – 20 minutes
safety rules: safety requirements on rolling stock similar of other long swiss tunnels, including ability emergency brake overridden.
amount of excavated rock: 28,200,000 t (31,100,000 short tons; 27,800,000 long tons), 13,300,000 m or 17,400,000 cu yd, equivalent of 5 giza pyramids
number of tunnel boring machines (tbm): 4 herrenknecht gripper tbms – machine numbers s-210 , s-211 operated northbound bodio faido , sedrun , nicknamed sissi , heidi respectively; machines s-229 , s-230 operated southbound erstfeld sedrun , known gabi , gabi ii.

total length: 440 m (1,440 ft) (including back-up equipment)
total weight: 3,000 t (3,300 short tons; 3,000 long tons)
power: 5 mw
max. excavation daily: 25–30 m (82–98 ft) (in excellent rock conditions)
total excavation length tbm: 45 km (28 mi) (for each tube)
manufacturer: herrenknecht, schwanau, germany


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