Conflict with Rome Monothelitism

pope martin i, led opposition in west monotheletism.

this state of schism remained next few years. death of heraclius in 641 had thrown political situation in constantinople chaos, , young grandson constans ii (641–668) succeeded him. meanwhile, in africa, monk named maximus confessor carried on furious campaign against monothelitism, , in 646 convinced african councils draw manifesto against doctrine. forwarded new pope, theodore (642–649), in turn wrote patriarch paul ii of constantinople, outlining heretical nature of doctrine. paul, devoted monothelite, replied in letter directing pope adhere doctrine of 1 will. theodore in turn excommunicated patriarch in 649, declaring paul heretic.

constans ii young man of seventeen, , supremely indifferent religious debates convulsing church. however, concerned effect these arcane debates having on roman empire, , issued imperial edict called type of constans. edict made illegal discuss in manner topic of christ possessing either 1 or 2 wills, or 1 or 2 energies. declared whole controversy forgotten – scheme existed before strife arose shall maintained, have been if no such disputation had arisen . discover far late turn clock back.

in rome , west, opposition monothelitism reaching fever pitch, , type of constans did nothing defuse situation; indeed made worse implying either doctrine other. theodore planned lateran council of 649 condemn ecthesis, died before convene it, successor, pope martin (649–653), did. not did council condemn ecthesis, condemned type well. after synod, pope martin wrote constans, informing emperor of conclusions , requiring him condemn both monothelite doctrine , own type. unfortunately, constans not sort of emperor take such rebuke of imperial authority lightly.

even while lateran synod sitting, olympius arrived new exarch of ravenna, instructions ensure type followed in italy, , use whatever means necessary ensure pope adhered it. unable complete mission , died, successor theodore calliopas seized pope martin , abducted him constantinople. here imprisoned , tortured before being condemned breaking imperial commands , banished before dying treatment @ hands of emperor.

the emperor continued persecute spoke out against monothelitism, including maximus confessor , number of disciples – maximus lost tongue , right hand in effort have him recant. nevertheless, brutality did have effect, patriarchs, including popes, remaining silent throughout remainder of reign.


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