Characteristics Connemara pony

connemara stallion

the original breed standard set connemara pony breeders society of ireland, , used british connemara pony society. adult connemara pony 128 148 centimetres (12.2 14.2 hands; 50 58 in) in height, strong back, loins , hind quarters, deep , broad through ribs, , riding-type laid-back shoulder , well-placed neck without undue crest, giving length of rein. head should of pony type, broad between eyes, should large , appear kind, , deep refined jaw , defined cheekbone. ears should of pony type (relatively short). legs should relatively short knees , hocks ground, strong, muscular upper leg, strong , well-defined knees , hocks, , well-shaped hard feet of medium size. action should free, active , easy. permitted colours grey, black, brown, bay, dun (buckskin), roan, chestnut, palomino , cream. dun gene not exist within connemara population , instead term used describe buckskin ponies, particularly in native ireland , in uk. pinto colouring (piebald , skewbald) not accepted. connemara pony should intelligent temperament, suitable adults , children; should hardy endurance; should sure-footed, sound, , able jump. if connemara pony passed grade 1 on inspection connemara pony breeder s society, must meet breed standard; if not meet specification given grade 2 or grade 3 on inspection. connemaras in north america range 13 15 hands (52 60 inches, 132 152 cm).

some connemara ponies carry autosomal recessive disorder hoof wall separation disease , foals born tested part of registration process.


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