Cats.2C family Felidae List of mammals of New England
canada lynx
distribution: northern maine, northern new hampshire, , northern vermont. distributed throughout new england.
subspecies: lynx canadensis canadensis according hall (1981) , whitaker , hamilton (1998).
status: endangered in new hampshire , vermont (whitaker , hamilton, 1998).
bobcat, lynx rufus
distribution: maine, new hampshire, vermont, connecticut , northern massachusetts. distributed throughout new england.
subspecies: lynx rufus gigas (all southernmost maine, northern new hampshire, , northern vermont) , lynx rufus rufus (southernmost maine, southern new hampshire, southern vermont, northern massachusetts, , northwestern connecticut according hall (1981). whitaker , hamilton (1998) not recognize l. r. gigas valid , recognize new england lynx rufus l. r. rufus. wozencraft (2005), however, recognize l. r. gigas valid subspecies.
status: threatened in rhode island.
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