Shape-based Chinese input methods for computers

typing chinese cangjie

cangjie input method (倉頡; 仓颉; tsang-chieh)
simplified cangjie (簡易倉頡, known 速成 or quick on windows systems , sucheng on mac os x systems)
ckc chinese input system (縱橫輸入法)
boshiamy method (嘸蝦米)
dayi method (大易)
array input method (行列)
four-corner method (四角碼; 四角码)
oxis chinese character finder
q9 method (九方)
shouwei method (首尾字型)
stroke count method (筆畫; 笔画)
stroke method (筆劃; 笔划)
wubi method (五筆字型; 五笔字型)
wubihua method (五筆畫; 五笔画)
zheng code method (鄭碼; 郑码)
shou-wei hao-ma method (首尾號碼)
knot dna method (筆結碼)


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