Process Plasma gasification

1 process

1.1 feedstocks
1.2 yields
1.3 equipment


small plasma torches typically use inert gas such argon larger torches require nitrogen. electrodes vary copper or tungsten hafnium or zirconium, along various other alloys. strong electric current under high voltage passes between 2 electrodes electric arc. pressurized inert gas ionized passing through plasma created arc. torch s temperature ranges 4,000 25,000 °f (2,200 13,900 °c). temperature of plasma reaction determines structure of plasma , forming gas.

the waste heated, melted , vaporized. @ these extreme conditions can molecular dissociation occur breaking apart molecular bonds. complex molecules separated individual atoms. resulting elemental components in gaseous phase (syngas). molecular dissociation using plasma referred plasma pyrolysis.


the feedstock plasma waste treatment municipal solid waste, organic waste, or both. feedstocks may include biomedical waste , hazmat materials. content , consistency of waste directly impacts performance of plasma facility. pre-sorting , recycling useful material before gasification provides consistency. inorganic material such metal , construction waste increases slag production, in turn decreases syngas production. however, benefit slag chemically inert , safe handle (certain materials may affect content of gas produced, however). shredding waste before entering main chamber helps increase syngas production. creates efficient transfer of energy ensures more materials broken down.

for improved processing steam added plasma gasification process.


pure highly calorific synthetic gas consists predominantly of carbon monoxide (co) , hydrogen (h2). inorganic compounds in waste stream not broken down melted, includes glass, ceramics, , various metals.

the high temperature , lack of oxygen prevents formation of many toxic compounds such furans, dioxins, nitrogen oxides, or sulfur dioxide in flame itself. however, dioxins formed during cooling of syngas.

metals resulting plasma pyrolysis can recovered slag , sold commodity. inert slag produced processes granulated , can used in construction. portion of syngas produced feeds on-site turbines, power plasma torches , support feed system. self-sustaining electric power.


some plasma gasification reactors operate @ negative pressure, attempt recover both gaseous , solid resources.


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