In office Michaëlle Jean
1 in office
1.1 military duties , welcomes overseas
1.2 loose cannon accusation
1.3 parliamentary prorogation
1.4 seal meat, new uniforms, , crisis in haiti
1.5 end of tenure
in office
michaëlle jean greets concert attendees @ ottawa chamber music festival @ rideau hall
governor general michaëlle jean , prime minister stephen harper @ reception heads of state @ 2010 vancouver winter olympic games
at investiture ceremony in senate chamber on september 27, 2005, jean declared in speech described moving time of 2 solitudes long described character of country past, , called protection of environment, shielding of culture against globalization, , end marginalisation of young people. according 1 media account, pomp , circumstance of canada s significant state function blended humour, passion , tears. while globe , mail columnist john ibbitson reflected general captivation new governor general in following way:
[h]ere beautiful young canadian of haitian birth, smile makes catch breath, bemused older husband side, , daughter literally personifies our future, , @ them , think: yes, our great achievement, canada canada wants be, canada make way different cultural identities.
echoing inaugural speech, motto on personal coat of arms created jean upon taking office governor general briser les solitudes, translates breaking down solitudes . 1 of first acts vicereine launch online chat canadians, part of larger project of creating within governor general s domain name website dubbed citizen voices: breaking down solitudes , users engage each other in discussion forums , prominent individuals post blog entries. focus extended beyond relationship between traditional 2 solitudes of francophones , anglophones in canada include relations between peoples of racial, linguistic, cultural, , gender groups.
over first 2 years of mandate, jean embarked on traditional viceregal tours of canada s provinces , territories. in british columbia, jean presented grey cup @ 93rd canadian football league championship game; in iqaluit, nunavut, opened toonik tyme festival, donated eighty books in inuktitut, french, , english centennial library in commemoration of queen elizabeth ii s 80th birthday; and, on may 4, 2006, became first governor general address alberta legislature. during these tours, jean focused on plight of female victims of violence, meeting representatives of women s organisations, such when, in 2007, participated in historic private discussion aboriginal women chiefs , elders @ saskatchewan s government house. in contrast low approval ratings prior appointment, crowds large , welcoming wherever jean went. convoy arrived @ national war memorial first remembrance day ceremony, on november 11, 2005, jean , lafond greeted disapproval audience, when veterans turned backs on governor general , consort show contempt 2 people veterans felt had worked break country had fought defend.
military duties , welcomes overseas
governor general michaëlle jean president of brazil, lula da silva, july 11, 2007
jean presiding on remembrance day ceremonies in ottawa, 2007
the viceregal family undertook first international trip in february 2006, journeying italy attend closing ceremonies of 2006 winter olympics, meet italian president carlo azeglio ciampi in torino, , pope benedict xvi @ vatican. 3 months later, jean attended investiture of rené préval president of haiti, jean s first visit homeland in capacity queen s representative, , greeted enthusiasm in jacmel. @ end of year, between november 18 , december 11, 2006, jean embarked on trip consisting of state visits 5 african countries—algeria, mali, ghana, south africa, , morocco—wherein governor general encouraged women s rights. also, in precedent-breaking move, explained on citizen voices website role of governor general in undertaking such trips , reason behind these particular tours throughout africa, after continued post observations , feelings on experiences on continent. in mali, arrived on november 23, 2006, jean greeted tens of thousands of people lining highway motorcade passed and, in town of benieli, presented goat, replete canadian flag on collar. male vendors gave canadian journalists gifts passed on jean, provided given telephone numbers. further, during south african leg of tour, president thabo mbeki praised queen-in-council s decision appoint jean governor general, citing example european countries of how african immigrants treated.
jean embraced role acting commander-in-chief, 1 of first international duties being trip, october 29–30, 2005, france 90th anniversary of battle of vimy ridge, after returned canada arrival @ trenton, ontario, of bodies of 6 canadian soldiers killed in afghanistan. jean made on march 8, 2007, first visit canadian troops taking part in offensive in afghanistan; had earlier expressed desire go, harper advised against such trip on grounds of security concerns, relevance of demonstrated when 2 attacks made against canadian soldiers on same day governor general landed in kabul. jean had arrival timed international women s day, stating: women of afghanistan may face unbearable conditions, never stop fighting survival. of course, we, rest of women around world, took long hear cries of our afghan sisters, here tell them no longer alone. , neither people of afghanistan. part of governor general s itinerary included meeting afghan women, canadian soldiers, royal canadian mounted police teams, humanitarian workers, , diplomats.
loose cannon accusation
there was, 2007, perception jean s schedule seemingly thinner of predecessors; initial explanation of fatigue further detailed secretary governor general thyroid problems, , vicereine s doctor had advised rest after jean s hectic diary. @ same time, in ottawa press gallery opined jean had on few occasions in previous year overstepped boundaries of office expected remain non-partisan; journalist chantal hébert said governor general had been wading uncommonly deep in political territory on past few months, citing jean s criticism of quebec sovereigntists , expressed support mission of canadian troops in afghanistan. further, michael valpy penned piece in globe , mail critiquing jean inviting valpy described potentially politically charged individuals post on citizen voices website. jean had made, @ roast-like annual national press gallery dinner, satirical remarks parti québécois leadership candidate andré boisclair s admitted cocaine use and, in september 18, 2006 interview regarding proposed subsidy canadians travel domestically, commented quebecers disconnected rest of canada , isolation affected canada s unity. jean later clarified opinion adding canadians provinces disconnected other parts of country, , september 26 editorial in montreal gazette supported jean s statements on divisions between canada s peoples, saying supporting national unity part of governor general s mandate; but, ire of quebec separatist politicians not assuaged. further, content of speech jean mark 25th anniversary of charter of rights , freedoms regarded thinly veiled criticism of cabinet s decision end court challenges program and, 2007, reported jean s staff @ rideau hall had been systematically removing royal portraits walls of residence. of prompted valpy reveal that, in time prime minister, stephen harper told alex himelfarb, clerk of privy council: prime minister, biggest problem in rideau hall, meaning jean , potential loose cannon .
jean carried out regular ceremonial duties of state, such dedicating new michael lee-chin crystal @ royal ontario museum on june 1, 2007 (following in footsteps of predecessor, prince arthur, duke of connaught , strathearn, governor general opened first expansion of museum in 1914), , undertaking state visit brazil, july 6–15, 2007.
parliamentary prorogation
in late 2008, governor general had return canada in midst of state visit in europe contend parliamentary dispute, coalition of 3 opposition parties in parliament threatened rescind confidence in cabinet under leadership of stephen harper , subsequently form government. after 2 , half hours of deliberation, jean chose follow constitutional precedent of accepting prime minister s advice, prorogue parliament until late january 2009. @ end of jean s viceregal tenure, peter h. russell, 1 of constitutional experts whom jean sought advice, disclosed governor general granted prorogation on 2 conditions: parliament reconvene and, when did, cabinet produce passable budget. this, russell said, set precedent prevent future prime ministers advising prorogation of parliament length of time reason. jean prevented approaching non-confidence vote, resulting situation wherein required choose between asking coalition form government or dissolving parliament , dropping writs, after having federal election 6 weeks earlier. along subsequent prorogation of parliament in december 2009 , earlier calling of election in october 2008, jean 2 years part of controversy in canadian media focused on constitutional relationships between governor general , prime minister or leaders of parties in opposition.
seal meat, new uniforms, , crisis in haiti
as representative of canada s head of state, governor general welcomes president barack obama canada, february 19, 2009
during tour of nunavut in 2009, governor general again garnered headlines when participated in traditional inuit seal feast @ community festival, gutting seal had been killed hunters , consuming piece of raw heart. while both immediate predecessor , prince charles had partaken in raw seal meat in canadian arctic, jean s simple act drew attention, both positive , negative, because of coincidence european parliament s recent ban on import of canadian seal products. dining on seal traditional aspect of annual event , proper etiquette governor general, guest, take part. when asked reporters motivations were, jean replied: take will.
a series of state visits followed in 2009, norway, croatia, greece, , mexico, visit canadian troops in afghanistan september 8–9. in between these diplomatic missions, jean presided on june 27 on ceremonies in halifax, nova scotia, consecration , presentation of new queen s colour canadian navy; wore @ time commander-in-chief s naval uniform, marking revival of practice had ceased following tenure of ray hnatyshyn. she, along prince charles, did same @ 2009 remembrance day events in ottawa, both @ time sporting canadian army dress uniform. then, in june 2010, jean conducted fleet review in esquimalt harbour, mark 100th anniversary of founding of royal canadian navy.
the vicereine again won plaudits, though not universal, media , public actions following earthquake devastated native haiti on january 12, 2010, in lost friend magalie marcelin, godmother jean s daughter. governor general, prime minister, stephen harper, attended emergency meeting @ department of foreign affairs , made tearful speech, parts in haitian creole, thanking cabinet swift action , canadian media coverage, urging strength , courage haitians. later attended vigil in montreal and, on january 25, 2010, met @ rideau hall haitian prime minister jean-max bellerive. after officially opening 2010 winter olympics in vancouver, on february 12, , winter paralympics month later, governor general made visit haiti, march 8–10, 2010, observe devastation , canadian assistance being meted out there , meet president préval.
end of tenure
jean announced press in 2010 step out of viceregal role near end of traditional, not official, five-year period. official opposition leader, michael ignatieff, publicly advocated extension of jean s tenure, in doing breaking tradition of keeping consultations on next governor general among prime minister , opposition party leaders confidential. polls conducted around time showed jean had earned approval rating of 60%, , constitutional expert @ university of toronto called performance governor general superb, though of missteps noted.
jean (left) queen elizabeth ii @ queen s park, toronto, july 2010
on may 10, 2010, princess margriet of netherlands presented jean new tulip cultivar named michaëlle jean tulip; deep maroon petals; designed reflect governor general s personal tastes. carried on tradition of dutch royalty giving tulips gifts canada.
summaries of jean s time queen s representative emerged mid-2010; jean regarded having fulfilled role in admirable, though not perfect, fashion. noted used office, speaking abilities, , photogenic nature canada s advantage, promoting freedom, human rights, , urban youth, , bring attention socio-economic problems in country s north. commended dedication arts, aboriginal canadians, armed forces, , outreach haiti following earthquake there, critiqued specific incidents, such referring herself canada s head of state , making public comments skirted political. ability connect met noted, frequent displays of emotion; commentators dubbed empathizer-in-chief.
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