Censorship laws Pornography in Japan

in japan, under article 175 of criminal code of japan people sell or distribute obscene materials can punished fines or imprisonment. article 175 included in original document in 1907 , remains relatively unchanged. showing pubic hair , adult genitalia once considered obscene. video pornography routinely depicts explicit sex scenes participants s genitalia obscured pixelization. amount of censorship of penis can vary. publication of waterfruit , santa fe kishin shinoyama first publication featured pubic hair. many video production companies belong ethical associations provide guidance on acceptable , not. nihon ethics of video association, ethics organization of computer software , contents soft association examples of 3 such organizations. recent controversies have frowned upon both pubic hair , genitalia being displayed in works of art , in educational settings. in 2014 japanese police discovered underground pornography store possessed machine claimed able remove pixelization images contained on censored dvds.


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