Background Monothelitism

the ongoing debates nature of christ caused controversy within christian church centuries.

during 5th century, regions of christian church thrown confusion because of debates erupted on nature of jesus christ. although church had determined christ son of god, exact nature remained open debate. church had declared heretical notion jesus not divine in 4th century (see first council of nicaea), during debates on arianism , had declared god son become human. however, in arguing both god , man, there emerged dispute on how human , divine natures of christ exist within person of christ.

the christological definition of chalcedon, accepted eastern orthodox, catholic, anglican, lutheran, , reformed churches, christ remains in 2 distinct natures, yet these 2 natures come within 1 hypostasis. position opposed monophysites held christ possesses 1 nature only. term monophysitism of eutychianism 1 type, held human , divine natures of christ fused 1 new single (mono) nature. described eutyches, human nature dissolved drop of honey in sea , , therefore nature divine. distinct miaphysitism, holds that, after union, christ in 1 theanthropic (human-divine) nature , generated union of 2 natures. 2 united without separation, without confusion, , without alteration, , each having particularity. miaphysitism christological doctrine of oriental orthodox churches.

nevertheless, resultant debates led chalcedonians accuse non-chalcedonians of teaching christ s humanity of different kind our own. meanwhile, non-chalcedonians accused chalcedonians of espousing form of nestorianism, rejected doctrine held jesus christ 2 distinct subsistences.

this internal division dangerous byzantine empire, under constant threat external enemies, many of areas lost empire regions in favour of monophysitism, , considered religious hierarchy @ constantinople heretics interested in crushing faith. in these provinces, non-chalcedonians′ far more numerous chalcedonians. in egypt instance, 30,000 greeks of chalcedonian persuasion ranged against 5 million coptic non-chalcedonians. meanwhile, syria , mesopotamia divided between nestorianism , jacobitism, while religion of armenia wholly cyrilline non-chalcedonian. consequently, monothelite teaching emerged compromise position. byzantine emperor heraclius tried unite of various factions within empire new formula more inclusive , more elastic.

this approach needed win on non-chalcedonians, since they, believing christ possesses single nature, believed holds single will. unclear whether chalcedonians should believe in christ’s human , divine energy and/or human , divine nature, because ecumenical councils had made no ruling on subject. ruling in favour of new doctrine provide common ground non-chalcedonians , chalcedonians come together, non-chalcedonians agree jesus has 2 natures if had 1 will, , chalcedonians agree jesus has 1 if has 2 natures.


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