Talmud Shekhinah

1 talmud

1.1 jewish prayers

1.1.1 sabbath bride

1.2 yiddish song


the talmud says shekhinah rests on man neither through gloom, nor through sloth, nor through frivolity, nor through levity, nor through talk, nor through idle chatter, through matter of joy in connection precept, said, bring me minstrel. , came pass, when minstrel played, hand of lord came upon him (ii kings 3:15) . (tractate shabbat 30b)

jewish prayers

the 17th blessing of daily amidah prayer said in orthodox, conservative, , reform services [blessed you, god,] returns presence (shekhinato) zion (הַמַּחֲזִיר שְׁכִינָתוֹ לְצִיּוֹן‎) can seen in siddur (jewish daily prayer book).

liberal jewish prayer-book rosh hashanah , yom kippur (machzor ruach chadashah) contains creative prayer based on avinu malkeinu, in feminine noun shekhinah used in interests of gender neutrality.

sabbath bride

the theme of shekhinah sabbath bride recurs in writings , songs of 16th century kabbalist, rabbi isaac luria. asader bishvachin song, written in aramaic luria (his name appears acrostic of each line) , sung @ evening meal of shabbat example of this. song appears in particular in many siddurs in section following friday night prayers , in shabbat song books:

a paragraph in zohar starts: 1 must prepare comfortable seat several cushions , embroidered covers, found in house, 1 prepares canopy bride. shabbat queen , bride. why masters of mishna used go out on eve of shabbat receive on road, , used say: come, o bride, come, o bride! , 1 must sing , rejoice @ table in honor ... 1 must receive lady many lighted candles, many enjoyments, beautiful clothes, , house embellished many fine appointments ...

the tradition of shekhinah shabbat bride, shabbat kallah, continues day.

yiddish song

the concept of shekhinah associated jewish conception of holy spirit (judaism) (ruach ha-kodesh) in jewish tradition, can seen in yiddish song: vel ich, sh chine tsu dir kummen i, shekhinah, come .


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