Social zoopharmacognosy Zoopharmacognosy

wood ants incorporate resin nest inhibit growth of microorganisms

zoopharmacognosy not exhibited in way benefits individual. target of medication group or colony.

wood ants (formica paralugubris) incorporate large quantities of solidified conifer resin nests. laboratory studies have shown resin inhibits growth of bacteria , fungi in context mimicking natural conditions. ants show strong preference resin on twigs , stones, building materials commonly available in environment. there seasonal variation in foraging of ants: preference resin on twigs more pronounced in spring in summer, whereas in autumn ants collect twigs , resin @ equal rates. relative collection rate of resin versus stones not depend on infection entomopathogenic fungus metarhizium anisopliae in laboratory conditions, indicating resin collection prophylactic rather therapeutic.

honey bees incorporate plant-produced resins nest architecture, can reduce chronic elevation of individual bee s immune response. when colonies of honey bees challenged fungal parasite (ascophaera apis), bees increase resin foraging. additionally, colonies experimentally enriched resin have decreased infection intensities of fungus.


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