Rule Zoilos II

coin of zoilos ii,with apollo , small elephant behind him. tripod on reverse.

elephant , tripod.

zoilos seems have been 1 of rulers succeeded last important indo-greek king apollodotus ii great in eastern parts of former kingdom. these kings use same symbol apollodotus ii, fighting pallas athene introduced menander i, , same epithet soter (saviour). therefore possible belonged same dynasty, , zoilus ii have been related earlier king zoilus i, lack of written sources make such conjections uncertain. may have been bactrian ally of marcus antonius (mark antony) , cleopatra vii referred virgil in vision of battle of actium in aeneid, bk.viii, 688: hinc ope barbarica variisque antonius armis, victor ab aurorae populis et litore rubro, aegyptum viresque orientis et ultima secum bactra vehit. (antony, barbarous wealth , strange weapons, conqueror of eastern peoples , indian shores, bringing egypt, , might of orient, him, , furthest bactria).

coins of zoilos ii

zoilos ii issued silver drachms diademed portrait , pallas athene in rather crude style, , 2 sorts of bronzes in various denominations: apollo, tripod , small elephant , , elephant , tripod .


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