Relations with Lower Chinookan peoples Fort Astoria

comcomly s mercantile skills intermediary gained him significant profits in deals fort astoria. in particular controlled sale of many of pelts originating chinookan, chehalis , quinault nations.

scholars have affirmed american company , economic success depended on mutually beneficial economic exchanges indian groups... controlled trade. many of settlements near station under influence of headman comcomly. consistently small stockpiles of foodstuffs @ fort astoria created need frequent transactions chinookans sustenance. seasonal fish runs provided major nutritional sources columbian river based natives. major fish populations active in columbia included candlefish smelt, white sturgeon, sockeye salmon , chinook salmon. dependence on fish made primary food source astorians, caused discontent among employees desiring more familiar diet.

terrestrial animals members of cervidae family such roosevelt elk , black-tailed deer not found in large numbers around fort astoria. made them important source of trade chinookans when visiting pfc station. frequent item sold wapato root, volume consumed astorians large enough necessitate creation of small cellar made house produce. other typical purchases chinookans included manufactured goods. in particular woven hats bought protection against seasonal rains. these hats tightly interwoven, making them waterproof.


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