Features Chinese architecture

1 features

1.1 architectural bilateral symmetry
1.2 enclosure
1.3 hierarchy
1.4 horizontal emphasis
1.5 cosmological concepts


a sancai (tri-colored) ceramic mansion tang dynasty (618-907), excavated tang era tomb @ zhongbu village in western suburbs of xi an.

the rectangular compound shown above has 2 sections of courtyards. buildings on axle line include central entrance, four-pointed pavilion, mountain-shaped front hall, artificial mountain , ponds, eight-pointed pavilion , mountain-shaped retiring quarters. 2 sides of central axle arranged corridor rooms symmetrically.

architectural bilateral symmetry

a important feature in chinese architecture emphasis on articulation , bilateral symmetry, signifies balance. bilateral symmetry , articulation of buildings found everywhere in chinese architecture, palace complexes humble farmhouses. when possible, plans renovation , extension of house try maintain symmetry provided there enough capital so. secondary elements positioned either side of main structures 2 wings maintain overall bilateral symmetry. buildings typically planned contain number of columns in structure produce odd number of bays (間). inclusion of main door building in center bay, symmetry maintained.

in contrast buildings, chinese gardens notable exception tend asymmetrical. principle underlying garden s composition create enduring flow.


in of traditional chinese architecture, buildings or building complexes take entire property enclose open spaces within themselves. these enclosed spaces come in 2 forms, the:

courtyard (院): use of open courtyards common feature in many types of chinese architectures. best exemplified in siheyuan, has consisted of empty space surrounded buildings connected 1 either directly or through verandas.
sky (天井): although large open courtyards less commonly found in southern chinese architecture, concept of open space surrounded buildings, seen in northern courtyard complexes, can seen in southern building structure known sky . structure relatively enclosed courtyard formed intersections of closely spaced buildings , offer small opening sky through roof space floor up.

these enclosures serve in temperature regulation , in venting building complexes. northern courtyards typically open , facing south allow maximum exposure of building windows , walls sun while keeping cold northern winds out. southern sky wells relatively small , serves collect rain water roof tops. perform same duties roman impluvium while restricting amount of sunlight enters building. sky wells serve vents rising hot air, draws cool air lower stories of house , allows exchange of cool air outside.


a tomb mural of xinzhou, dated northern qi (550-577 ad) period, showing hall tiled roof, dougong brackets, , doors giant door knockers (perhaps made of bronze)

the projected hierarchy , importance , uses of buildings in traditional chinese architecture based on strict placement of buildings in property/complex. buildings doors facing front of property considered more important facing sides. buildings facing away front of property least important.

south-facing buildings in rear , more private location of property higher exposure sunlight held in higher esteem , reserved elder members of family or ancestral plaques. buildings facing east , west junior members of family, while buildings near front typically servants , hired help.

front-facing buildings in of properties used particularly rooms of celebratory rites , placement of ancestral halls , plaques. in multiple courtyard complexes, central courtyards , buildings considered more important peripheral ones, latter typically being used storage or servants’ rooms or kitchens.

horizontal emphasis

classical chinese buildings, of wealthy, built emphasis on breadth , less on height, featuring enclosed heavy platform , large roof floats on base, vertical walls not emphasized. contrasts western architecture, tends grow in height , depth. chinese architecture stresses visual impact of width of buildings.

the halls , palaces in forbidden city, example, have rather low ceilings when compared equivalent stately buildings in west, external appearances suggest all-embracing nature of imperial china. these ideas have found way modern western architecture, example through work of jørn utzon. of course not apply pagodas, limited religious building complexes.

cosmological concepts

model of chinese siheyuan in beijing, shows off symmetry, enclosed heavy platform , large roof floats on base, vertical walls not emphasized.

chinese architecture times used concepts chinese cosmology such feng shui (geomancy) , taoism organize construction , layout common residences imperial , religious structures. includes use of:

screen walls face main entrance of house, stems belief evil things travel in straight lines.
talismans , imagery of fortune:

door gods displayed on doorways ward off evil , encourage flow of fortune
three anthropomorphic figures representing fu lu shou (福祿壽 fú-lù-shòu) stars prominently displayed, proclamation 3 stars present (三星在 sān-xīng-zài)
animals , fruits symbolize fortune , prosperity, such bats , pomegranates, respectively. association done through rebuses.

orienting structure elevated landscape , ensuring there water in front. considerations made such windowless of structure faces north, wind coldest in winter.
ponds, pools, wells, , other water sources built structure.

the use of colors, numbers , cardinal directions in traditional chinese architecture reflected belief in type of immanence, nature of thing wholly contained in own form. although western tradition gradually developed body of architectural literature, little written on subject in china, , earliest text, kaogongji, never disputed. however, ideas cosmic harmony , order of city interpreted @ basic level, reproduction of ideal city never existed. beijing reconstructed throughout 15th , 16th century remains 1 of best examples of traditional chinese town planning.


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