Ergonomic hazards Textile industry in Bangladesh

working environment inside garment factory in bangladesh

musculoskeletal disorders have been identified important concern among textile workers. these complaints related highly repetitive movements, awkward postures in seated positions, repetitive hand , arm movements, prolonged working hours without adequate breaks , poorly designed work stations. these risk factors result in adverse health outcomes of workers such musculoskeletal complaints of neck, back, hands, shoulders , lower limbs.

most of female workers in garments factories work sewing operators, sewing operator helper, cutting personnel , finishing personnel. sewing machines operators work in seated postures forward flexion of head, neck, , torso long periods of time. results in strain on neck , back, , pain. case study conducted habib m. among sewing machines operators in bangladesh, found high risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders related working in sitting position bending neck more 30° more 6 7 hours. additionally, sitting in forward flexed posture causes lumbar spine flatten leads imbalanced disc pressure , static contraction of extensor muscles of back. flattened lumbar spine may cause fatigue, disc degeneration , injuries. not related posture, design of workstation can worsen problem. sarder , colleagues found seats in garment factories devoid of backrest, allow intermittent short breaks resting upper body bending. also, many seats hard , wooden, without cushion prevent compression @ area of ischial tuberosities. though factories have sewing machines tables height adjustability options 70 – 80 cm, workers or never adjusted them because takes between 10–15 minutes adjust them.

moreover, workers experience excessive hand work involves gripping , pinching arm in constrained postures causes wrist pain. sewing machine operators involve in highly repetitive movements of elbows , wrists. researchers have found doing activities stitching involves wrist flexion of more 45° wrist extension 10-12 times per minute, put worker @ higher risk of developing wrist , elbow problems.

these risk factors have negative impact not on musculoskeletal health, on medical cost, efficiency, , optimal performance on activities of daily living. minimizing ergonomic risk factors through ergonomic intervention workers neglected in many of countries. reasons may scarcity of relevant professionals , additional cost implementations on majority of owners less interested. thus, there high rate of musculoskeletal symptoms in different body parts among sewing machine operators points out proper interventions. reduce awkward posture neck, , shoulders, sewing machine table, chair , paddle positions should adjusted considering worker’s body height in sitting position. workers should educated significance of postures on health not neglect instructions.

policy , intervention

up mid-1990s there little evidence available suggested improvement involving ergonomics principles have been implemented in garment factories in south east asia. though, solutions such work surface modification , adoption of adjustable chairs have been documented, anecdotal information shows there has been no improvement. following recommendations can implemented solutions reduce burden of musculoskeletal disorders among worker in garment industries:

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