Political career Jack Kemp

1 political career

1.1 congress (1971–1989)
1.2 presidential bid (1988)
1.3 cabinet (1989–1993)
1.4 post-hud years (1993–1996)
1.5 vice presidential nomination (1996)
1.6 legacy

political career

kemp s political career began long before 1970 campaign. in 1960 , 1961, kemp editorial assistant san diego union editor , future richard nixon aide herb klein. subsequently, kemp became volunteer in both barry goldwater s 1964 presidential campaign , ronald reagan s successful 1966 california gubernatorial campaign. in 1967 football off-season, kemp worked on reagan s staff in sacramento. in 1969, special assistant republican national committee chairman.

kemp voracious reader, , political beliefs founded in readings of goldwater s conscience of conservative, ayn rand s libertarian novels, such fountainhead, , friedrich von hayek s constitution of liberty. brought football career belief in racial equality, came playing football black teammates: kemp said, wasn t there rosa parks or dr. king or john lewis. here now, , going yell rooftops need do. kemp s football colleagues confirmed influence: john mackey explained huddle colorblind.

congress (1971–1989)

congressional portrait collection image (c. 1975)

as self-described bleeding-heart conservative , kemp represented part of suburban buffalo region known southtowns (that traditionally voted democratic) in united states house of representatives 1971 1989. fondly remembered hair , handsome looks athletic prowess , political savvy, , described having charisma of earlier j.f.k. (john f. kennedy). david rosenbaum described kemp independent politician legislated outside committees jurisdictions , spoke in favor of ideals , principles rather party s political platforms. supply-sider, not proponent of balanced budgeting , trivialized while speaking of growth economic goal.

the erie county, new york republicans had drafted kemp after incumbent congressman richard d. mccarthy decided run united states senate. during inaugural campaign, district in economic malaise, , new york times described him john f. kennedy throwback campaigned on family values, patriotism, sports, , defense. upon election congress in class of sixty-two freshmen, 1 of 6 newcomers—along ronald dellums, bella abzug, louise day hicks, robert drinan, , pete du pont—discussed in time. article described him football fan united states president richard nixon , recipient of advice white house adviser robert finch , former kemp boss herb klein, nixon s director of communications. nixon aides encouraged kemp endorse cambodian invasion , oppose criticism of nixon s war policies in order firm kemp s support military hawks.

kemp championed several chicago school , supply-side economics issues: economic growth, free markets, free trade, tax simplification , lower tax rates on both employment , investment income. long-time proponent of flat tax. defended use of anti-communist contra forces in central america, supported gold standard, spoke civil rights legislation, opposed abortion, , first lawmaker popularize enterprise zones, supported foster entrepreneurship , job creation , expand homeownership among public housing tenants. during career, sounded liberal democrat: supported affirmative action , rights illegal immigrants. new york times described kemp proactive combatant in war on poverty since robert kennedy. differed rockefeller republicans , earlier combatants such lyndon johnson supporting incentive-based systems instead of traditional social programs. commitment inner city concerns within republican party, david gergen heralded him courageous voice in wilderness. although liberal on many social issues , supported civil liberties homosexuals, opposed gay rights such right teach in schools. kemp @ times felt role of freewheeling, entrepreneurial, wildcatting backbencher.

time magazine identified 38-year-old second-term congressman kemp future leader in 1974 faces future feature. early-career notable magazine appearance in 1978 issue of esquire. article explained allegations of homosexual activity among staffers in ronald reagan s sacramento office in 1967; kemp not implicated. kemp considered running u.s. senate in 1980 , hugh sidey mentioned him contender unseat jimmy carter in 1980 presidential election , front runner vice presidency @ 1980 republican national convention, received 43 votes conservative detractors of george h. w. bush. after reelected sixth term in 1980, republican peers elected him party leadership position, , served 7 years chairman of house republican conference. promotion occurred after kemp , david stockman urged reagan memorandum dedicate first 100 days working on economic package congress. kemp considered running governor of new york in 1982 decided stay in house. 1984, many viewed kemp reagan s heir apparent.

kemp had first encounter supply-side economics in 1976, when wall street journal s jude wanniski interviewed him @ congressional office. kemp questioned wanniski day (until midnight, @ kemp s bethesda, maryland home) , converted university of southern california professor arthur laffer s supply-side discipline. thereafter, kemp espoused supply-side economics freely, , in 1978 , sen. bill roth of delaware proposed tax-cutting legislation. kemp has been credited responsible supply-side economics inclusion in president reagan s economic plan, although @ time of robert mundell s nobel memorial prize in economics recognition attributed of credit mundell, laffer, robert bartley, , wanniski. in 1979, kemp wrote american renaissance (isbn 0-06-012283-8), deliver message rising tide lifts boats. although realization of 1980s tax cuts attributed reagan, initiated kemp , roth through 1981 kemp–roth tax cut legislation. reagan s budget based on legislation passed on objection of united states house committee on ways , means chairman dan rostenkowski.

during reagan years, kemp , followers ignored budget balancing while promoting tax cuts , economic growth. these tax cuts have been credited conservatives economic growth 1983 1990, 1996 had become 1 of longest expansions in american history. kemp notes federal reserve chairman paul volcker s success @ stemming inflation , favorable regulatory environment major factors. detractors note expansion fueled undesirable sectors gaming, prisons, medical treatment, , credit card use.

an kemp tax reform attempt unsuccessful 1979 proposal index tax brackets cost of living fluctuations, incorporated in reagan s 1980 package. kemp co-sponsored legislative attempt @ enterprise zones in 1980. 1 of kemp s more trying times congressman came in 1982 when reagan decided reverse tax cuts , promote tax increases. reversal controversial , stimulated opposition kemp. nonetheless, revised taxes passed. in 1983, kemp opposed policies of chairman volcker on multiple occasions. debates included domestic monetary involvement , roles in funding international monetary fund.

kemp delivered speeches @ several republican national conventions. addressed convention on july 15 @ 1980 republican national convention in detroit, michigan , on august 21 @ 1984 republican national convention in dallas, texas. during 1984 convention, trent lott republican party platform committee chairman, congressmen kemp , newt gingrich claimed control of party platform consternation of g.o.p. senators bob dole , howard baker. kemp s official role chairman of platform subcommittee on foreign policy. however, 3 platform planks proposed involved tax hikes, gold standard , role of federal reserve. despite kemp s official role, real influence author on grammatical structure of plank on tax hikes. 1985, kemp leading contender 1988 presidential nomination. delivered remarks on free enterprise zones @ 1992 republican national convention in houston, texas. despite efforts , considerations of expanding political domain, kemp never held fundraiser outside of suburban western new york district until eighth term in congress.

kemp critic of association football, known soccer in united states. in 1986, during house floor debate on whether united states should host 1994 fifa world cup, kemp proclaimed: think important young out there—who someday hope play real football, throw , kick , run , put in hands—[that] distinction should made football democratic capitalism, whereas soccer european socialist sport. kemp compared speech george carlin s 1984 comedy routine on differences between baseball , american football , wrote tongue firmly planted in cheek when making speech. despite levity of speech, garnered significant backlash. however, continued insist soccer s main problem doesn t have quarterback . kemp noted half of grandchildren play or have played organized soccer , claimed have changed position on soccer. attended 1994 fifa world cup longtime soccer fan henry kissinger, although wrote during 2006 fifa world cup soccer can interesting watch still boring game .

presidential bid (1988)

kemp leaves meet-the-candidates rally 1988 republican presidential candidates in county stadium in union, south carolina, on october 3, 1987. william daroff standing directly behind kemp s left shoulder.

in 1988, if kemp had won campaign united states presidency, have made him first person move united states house of representatives white house since james garfield. when formed exploratory committee, signed ed rollins, reagan s 1984 re-election political director, advisor. outset, kemp had failed position himself primary alternative vice president bush. except select few cognoscenti, general public did not recognize kemp s leadership ability, although successful man of ideas. in fact, of republican electorate found unfamiliar kemp in campaign. political pundits recognized him, however, visionary idea man. in addition, perceived verbose speaker lost contact audience. although kemp tried appeal conservatives, libertarian philosophies of tolerance , individual rights , commitment supporting minorities, women, blue-collar workers , organized labor clashed conservative voters social , religious values. democrats, kemp s free-market philosophies form of laissez-faire anarchy. however, as kemp wanted minimize government s role, acknowledged moves toward more laissez-faire system should well-thought out.

after may 1987 gary hart–donna rice scandal, questionnaire new york times requested things such psychiatric records , access fbi files 14 presidential candidates. candidates each party expressed opinions on both sides of personal privacy issue, , kemp rejected times inquiry beneath dignity of presidential candidate . campaign on positive course many key endorsements in new hampshire, bush held support of of republican establishment in new york. although had eclectic mix of supporters, kemp s campaign began borrowing against anticipated federal matching funds because had spent red, may have been due use of expensive direct mail fundraising techniques. offset socially moderate stances, kemp clarified opposition abortion, support of strategic defense initiative (sdi) , support stronger military favored secretary of state george shultz. position himself reagan s successor, kemp called shultz s resignation based on claims shultz had neglected freedom fighters in afghanistan , nicaragua , had waffled on sdi. in attempt highlight stands on key reagan era foreign policy initiatives, kemp traveled in september 1987 costa rica, honduras , el salvador lobby presidents of nations against arias peace plan—a peace accord conservatives felt conciliatory central american communists. accompanied on trip 50-plus conservative leaders.

despite platform covering full range of political subjects, kemp s primary campaign weapon fiscal policy based on tax cuts. part of fiscal policy, opposed social security benefits freeze , endorsed freeze on government spending. viewed kemp s supply-side stance attempt ignore national budget deficit. in late 1987, political pundits saw kemp needed gain support far right on non-social issues. kemp among majority of republican candidates in opposition reagan s inf treaty agreement soviet union s mikhail gorbachev despite general republican voter approval of treaty. aspirations of support right-wing voters, candidates low levels of poll support nomination took same sabre-rattling stand. 1988, moderates (bush , dole) front-runners , kemp battling pat robertson conservative alternative moderates.

he used negative advertising campaign seemed have intended initial effect of boosting him serious contention. 1988 campaign based on platform of supply-side economics , inner-city enterprise zones. in bare knuckles , rooms: life in american politics, campaign chairman rollins described kemp candidate foibles. kemp s campaign managers unmanageable: ignored timers on speeches, refused call contributors, , refused practice debates. humbling super tuesday, in 39 delegate total fewer eventual nominee , president bush , both dole , pat robertson, ended campaign. after withdrawing race, still considered contender vice president nomination. in 1989, kemps switched official residence hamburg, new york bethesda, maryland, residence @ time of death. in 1994, kemp s 1988 campaign reached settlement federal election commission agreeing pay $120,000 in civil penalties 1988 campaign election law violations for, among other things, excessive contributions, improper direct corporate donations, press overbilling, exceeding spending limits in iowa , new hampshire, , failure reimburse corporations providing air transportation.

cabinet (1989–1993)

hud secretary kemp sybil mobley, florida a&m university dean.

as so-called bleeding-heart conservative , kemp logical choice bush secretary of housing , urban development, job foster public sector , private sector methods meet demands of public housing. however, scandals of reagan s secretary of housing , urban development samuel pierce , neglect of president obstacles start, , kemp unsuccessful @ either of major initiatives: enacting enterprise zones , promoting public housing tenant ownership. goal of these 2 plans change public housing tenant-owned residences , lure industry , business inner cities federal incentives. although kemp did not affect policy hud s director, cleaned hud s reputation, , developed plan salvage troubled federal housing administration. halted or revamped corrupt programs , developed antidrug offensive, enabled him collaborate director of national drug control policy bill bennett. supported operation clean sweep , similar movements prohibit firearm possession in public housing.

although kemp coaxed bush support $4 billion housing program encouraged public housing tenants buy own apartments, democratic congress allocated $361 million plan. in addition opposition in congress, kemp fought white house budget director richard darman, opposed kemp s pet project hope (homeownership , opportunity people everywhere). project involved selling public housing tenants. darman opposed kemp s proposed welfare adjustment of government offsets. hope first proposed white house chief of staff john sununu in june 1989 create enterprise zones, increase subsidies low-income renters, expand social services homeless , elderly, , enact tax changes first-time home buyers. sununu opposed @ first did of cabinet, in august 1990 sununu, @ urging of united states attorney general dick thornburgh, encouraged president bush endorse kemp s economic empowerment task force. however, persian gulf war , budget negotiations overshadowed kemp s new project. darman battled kemp , allies such gingrich, james pinkerton, , vin weber. budget left him $256 million plan, kemp increased during appropriations battles. after clayton yeutter appointed chief white house domestic policy advisor, kemp s economic empowerment task force abolished.

president bush avoided federal antipoverty issues, , instead used kemp mouthpiece speak on administration s low priority conservative activist agenda. bush s contribution urban agenda had been volunteerism through points of light theme, , kemp received stronger support ideas presidential candidate bill clinton. time of los angeles riots of 1992, bush bit late in supporting enterprise zones, tenant ownership , welfare reform: mort zuckerman compared bush s vision on racial issues of man riding backwards in railroad car. nonetheless, riots made kemp focal point of administration, though @ first, kemp had been overlooked. however, charles e. schumer had summarized prospects of kemp s success in advance best when said in 1989, ideas money can whole lot. ideas without money aren t going whole lot, , issue here decision not fund kemp s ideas. although kemp unable procure money visions, among administration s leading users of first class corporate jets. cited lingering effects knee injury reason had fly first class @ government expense housing secretary.

generally, time housing secretary considered unsuccessful. however, although not federal funding empowerment zones passed during tenure, 1992 38 states had created empowerment zones, , in 1994 $3.5 billion approved them under president clinton. free market kemp initiative allow homeowners subdivide houses purpose of creating rental units without inordinate bureaucracy did not executed under clinton administration, however. in 1992, h. ross perot mounting formidable campaign, kemp again considered vice presidential candidate.

kemp partly @ fault not achieving either of primary goals because did not along rest of cabinet. @ 1 point, kemp told james baker, white house chief of staff, bush s best chance win reelection dump economic advisors in dramatic fashion. before 1992 republican national convention, kemp , 6 prominent republican conservatives prepared controversial memo urging bush revise economic policy. contemporaneously, conservative republicans in office , in media such william f. buckley jr. , george felt dan quayle should ousted in favor of kemp. followed kemp s reference parts of president s economic policy gimmicks after 1992 state of union address. kemp respected within party opposing bush, , towards end of bush s administration insiders recognized value. in late 1991, 81 of 166 republican congressmen signed letter co-authored curt weldon , dan burton requesting bush cede domestic authority kemp domestic policy czar. letter, highlighting kemp s energy, enthusiasm , national clout , insulted bush. kemp bit of surprise stay in bush cabinet duration of presidency, , described 1 of few bush administration members take tough stands. kemp did not expect retained if republicans reelected in 1992, , pundits agreed him.

post-hud years (1993–1996)

kemp gave public speeches $35,000 apiece between time housing secretary , vice presidential nomination. 1994, kemp had embarked on 241 fund-raising dinners raise $35 million 1996 presidential bid , pay off 1988 campaign debts. after stepping down $189,000 secretary of housing , urban development job, kemp earned $6.9 million in next 3 years, speaking on behalf of local republican candidates. during super bowl xxviii festivities, kemp hosted notable fundraiser series.

kemp considered star of 1992 republican national convention. in 1992 , 1993, kemp considered favorite or co-favorite 1996 presidential nomination. @ time of 1994 mid-term elections, kemp anticipated announce candidacy 1996, , supporters wanted formal announcement end of year. in january 1995, kemp s stated reason not entering 1996 republican party presidential primaries personal beliefs out of balance contemporary republican political landscape: kemp opposed term limits, preferred tax cuts resembling balanced budget amendment and, unlike republicans, favored federal incentives combat urban poverty. in 1995, gloria borger noted kemp not in step 1994 contract america. kemp noted distaste vast fundraising necessary presidential campaign. gergen stated 1996 selection process had become expensive, mean , invasive discouraged several top republicans running. in 1995, while world awaited campaign decision announcement colin powell, kemp had positive thoughts on prospect of such campaign.

senate majority leader dole , gingrich appointed kemp head tax reform commission, (the kemp commission), in response voter concern tax code had become complicated. kemp championed many issues including flat tax, formally proposed after appointed. proposal included politically popular income tax deductions, such mortgage interest, remained general. among 1996 republican party candidates, both steve forbes , phil gramm proposed flat tax.

during campaign, kemp s endorsement highly coveted. forbes had tried kemp run in 1996 campaign, kemp declined , in fact endorsed forbes dole closing in on nomination, , after dole gained endorsements of former contenders lamar alexander , richard lugar. feel primary reason endorsement keep flat tax idea , other supply-side views alive. many thought kemp had destroyed own political future endorsement, , kemp profusely apologized dole s campaign offices. after became clear dole nominee, kemp attempted form bipartisan seminar felix rohatyn produce fiscal plan endorsed both parties.

kemp outspoken on immigration on around time: according kemp s interpretation of scientific index , bennett support, immigrants blessing, not curse. in 1994, kemp , bennett opposed california ballot proposition 187, measure bar illegal immigrants obtaining public services, in direct opposition first-term republican california governor pete wilson, 1 of endorsers running re-election. republican senate candidate michael huffington had endorsed proposition. kemp supported rights illegal immigrants, , opposed lamar smith , alan simpson s proposed restrictions on legal immigration.

vice presidential nomination (1996)

bob dole , kemp featured on cover of time magazine, displaced story mars (inset on cover)

kemp had reputation highest-profile progressive republican. when dole declined invitation speak national association advancement of colored people, suggested kemp substitute before kemp had become vice presidential nominee. on august 5, 1996, dole announced 15% across-the-board tax cut in response both forbes campaign , kemp s tax reform commission. several of dole s other campaign ideas came kemp , bill bennett s empower america, had jeane kirkpatrick, weber, forbes , alexander principals. example, dole borrowed kirkpatrick s tough foreign policy, bennett s right conduct , alexander s school choice interest.

bennett declined offer dole s running mate suggested kemp, man described dole s antagonist. on august 16, 1996, republican party chose kemp vice presidential nominee, running alongside former senator dole. kemp seen means attract conservative , libertarian-minded voters of tough nomination-challengers forbes , pat buchanan. kemp chosen on connie mack, john mccain, , carroll campbell, , assumed partly because kemp had several former staffers in influential positions dole s senior advisors. dole had had long history of representing budget-balancing faction of party, while kemp had had long history of representing tax-cutting advocates, , kemp s tax-cutting fiscal track record seen perfect fit ticket. when kemp became dole s running mate in 1996, appeared on cover of august 19, 1996 issue of time magazine, pair barely edged out story on reported discovery of extraterrestrial life on mars, close being cover story time inset on cover , wrote how difficult decision was.

the 2 politicians had storied history stemming alternative perspectives , objectives. dole longstanding conservative deficit hawk had voted against john f. kennedy s tax cuts, while kemp outspoken supply-sider. in 1980s, according david stockman, kemp persuaded reagan make 30% across-the-board tax cut central 1980 presidential campaign feature. once reagan elected, dole senate finance committee chairman kemp claims resisted plan every step of way. dole concedes expressed reservations 1981 plan. big confrontation came after tax plan approved , after dole subsequently proposed tax increases referred reforms. kemp vocal in opposition reforms , penned op-ed piece in new york times, enraged dole. reagan supported reforms @ dole s request, causing kemp summon allies meetings stop act, passed in 1982. @ 1984 republican national convention, kemp, along allies such gingrich , lott, added plank party platform put president reagan on record ruling out tax increases. gingrich called action dole proofing platform, , plank passed on dole s opposition. then, in 1985, dole proposed austere budget barely passed in senate appendectomy patient pete wilson casting tying vote , vice president bush casting deciding vote. in meetings president excluded dole, kemp reworked budget exclude crucial social security cutbacks. said have been dole s crushing political defeat , have contributed republican loss of control of senate. during 1988 presidential election, 2 antagonized each other. after bush won , kemp left congress cabinet, 2 did not cross paths again until 1996, when kemp endorsed dole s opponent forbes on eve of new york primary in march.

dole despised kemp s economic theories, felt kemp-like tax cuts offered best chance @ electoral success. part, kemp had make concessions well: had expelling children of illegal immigrants public schools despite longstanding opposition proposition 187 , mute opposition abolishing affirmative-action programs in california. derided kemp compromise , referred him con artist . outset of campaign, dole-kemp trailed, , faced skeptics within party. however, kemp able use nomination promote opposition clinton s partial birth abortion ban veto. during campaign, kemp , forbes advocated stronger stand on tax cutting dole used. however, in general, opinion kemp helpful ticket s chances of catching bill clinton, , kemp s advocacy gave clear picture of tax reforms occur on condition of successful campaign. kemp seen influence several types of swing voters, of native state of california, , democrats feared kemp might lure voters.

after receiving nomination, kemp became ticket s spokesman minorities , inner-city. due agreement on self-help policy louis farrakhan has endorsed in many fora including million man march, kemp in sense aligned himself farrakhan. however, farrakhan perceived being anti-semitic, , kemp considered ally of republican jews. issue necessitated political sidestepping. nominee, kemp @ times overshadowed dole. in fact, more once, kemp described if presidential nominee. in addition having overshadowed dole, despite negative ad campaigns ticket used, kemp positive running mate relied on pep rally type of campaign tour full of football-related metaphors , hyperbole. although enjoyed kemp s style, referring him shepherd, detractors, such u.s. news & world report writer steven v. roberts, criticized extensive use of recounting stories of passing balls relative use of recounting stories of passing bills. during campaign, kemp expressed opinion republican party leaders did not stand behind ticket wholeheartedly. despite kemp s voice on minority issues, colin powell s support , polls showed 30% of blacks identified conservatives on issues such school prayer, school vouchers , criminal justice, republicans unable improve upon historical support levels african-american voters.

both al gore , kemp had presidential aspirations, induced pursuit of debate on higher plane. in addition, gore , kemp long-time friends, unlike gore , previous vice presidential opponent dan quayle. thus, debaters avoided personal attacks. however, felt kemp failed counter substantive attacks. in final october 9, 1996 vice presidential debate against al gore (held dole–kemp ticket trailed badly in national polls), kemp soundly beaten, , al gore s performance considered 1 of best modern debate performances. debate topics ranged broadly usual such abortion , foreign policy unusual such incident preceding then-current baseball playoffs, in roberto alomar, baltimore orioles second baseman, cursed , spat on umpire. mexico policy debate 1 of more interesting topics critical review. gore victory not surprise since kemp had been outmatched gore in previous encounters, , gore had reputation experienced , vaunted debater.


kemp speaks @ national press club in 2006.

his legacy includes kemp–roth tax cut of 1980s, known first of 2 reagan tax cuts. these served foundation of supply-side economics, known reaganomics. many republicans have endorsed laffer curve view tax cuts spur economic growth , reduce deficits. although george h. w. bush called philosophy voodoo economics, george w. bush , treasury secretary, john w. snow, believers. kemp remembered alongside george wallace , william jennings bryan influencing history changing direction of presidential elections despite defeats.

in 21st century, kemp continued considered along reagan politician responsible implementation of supply-side tax cuts , along steve forbes political figure responsible continued place in marketplace of political ideas. has been described beacon of economic conservatism , hero urban agenda. today, continues described hero fiscal conservatives believe free markets , low taxes work better government bureaucracies. kemp considered leader of progressive conservatives adhere hard right on social issues, avoid protectionist fiscal , trade policy.

in addition roth, has had numerous political allies. @ times, collaborated gingrich , lott on deregulation , tax cuts, collaborated mccain , phil gramm on tax cuts , spending restraints, legislated , campaigned joseph lieberman, , fought poverty james pinkerton. pete du pont progressive conservative ally. after retiring congress , serving in cabinet, kemp remained close gingrich, lott, weber, , mack. kemp member of federal committee promote martin luther king jr. day national holiday. progressive voter, had civil rights leaders such benjamin hooks, andrew young , coretta scott king , conservative black intellectuals glenn c. loury , robert l. woodson supporters , friends. boasted of having democratic friends such william h. gray iii, charles b. rangel , robert garcia. ken blackwell deputy secretary under kemp. during reagan presidency, when kemp able effect tax cutting, leading united states senate tax-cutting proponent democrat bill bradley, former basketball star. several american football players have followed kemp congress: steve largent, j. c. watts, , heath shuler.

congressman paul ryan cites kemp mentor, , mentioned him in acceptance speech republican vice-presidential nominee in 2012.

senator arlen specter in severe rebuke of federal governmental policy, stated 1 day after kemp died of cancer, kemp still alive if federal government had done better job funding cancer research.


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