Attributes Flying Dutchman (Pirates of the Caribbean)

similarly, because jones abandoned soul-ferrying duty, , crew bear curse gradually mutates them anthropomorphic amalgamations of sea creatures. in dead man s chest dvd commentary, writers ted elliott , terry rossio mention crew become less , less human until literally absorbed flying dutchman (davy jones knows this, fails inform new recruits). 1 character, wyvern, transformed integrated ship s hull. crew has little or no human flesh remaining on them, although newer members, bootstrap bill, partially encrusted sea life.

nearly crew members time in servitude spent toiling on board ship. amusement, crew play game called liar s dice, in gamble years of service. in 1 scene of dead man s chest, crew works on night, , in rain, while davy jones plays on pipe organ. when wrongly blamed causing work disruption, boatswain proclaims punished whip. in later scene, crew excited when jones commands ship submerge, , others continue on duties unhampered. however, that, captain, things have changed on board ship, , after becomes captain, crew returned human form, , grants them voluntary leave ship. father, bootstrap bill, appears remain on crew.


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