Text and provisions of the 2009 Constitution Constitution of Bolivia

1 text , provisions of 2009 constitution

1.1 organization
1.2 state , democracy
1.3 electoral system
1.4 atacama corridor
1.5 coca

text , provisions of 2009 constitution

the text of constitution divided in 5 broad parts:

part one: fundamental bases of state, rights, obligations, , guarantees
part two: functional structure , organization of state
part three: territorial structure , organization of state
part four: economic structure , organization of state
part five: hierarchy of norms , reform of constitution

each part divided titles, , these titles chapters. chapters divided sections. altogether constitution has 411 articles.

state , democracy

bolivia established current constitution plural , unitary state:

article 1

bolivia constituted unitary social state of plurinational, community-based law, free, independent, sovereign, democratic, intercultural, decentralized, , autonomies. bolivia founded in plurality , political, economic, juridical, cultural, , linguistic pluralism within integrating process of country.

the constitution (in chapter 3 of title i) defines forms of democracy—participatory, representative , community-based—and structure of government used in bolivia. direct , participatory democracy takes place through referenda, citizen legislative initiatives, revocation of elected officials mandates, assemblies, cabildos , prior consultation. representative democracy takes place through election of representatives through universal, direct, , secret vote. communal democracy takes place through election, designation or nomination of authorities , representatives among indigenous, originary, or campesino peoples , nations, using own norms , procedures. same chapter establishes separation of powers between 4 branches of government: legislative, executive, judicial, , electoral.

bolivia becomes pacifist state rejects war, although reserves right legitimate defense. constitution prohibits installation of foreign military bases within country.

the constitution established supreme law of bolivian state, , 36 indigenous languages spanish declared official languages. departmental governments must use, official languages, 1 indigenous language in addition spanish.

the constitution assigns role of national capital sucre, not referring la paz in text. nonetheless palacio quemado (the presidential palace , seat of bolivian executive power) located in la paz, national congress , plurinational electoral organ. la paz continues seat of government , de facto administrative capital.

article 6

i. sucre capital of bolivia.

electoral system

the electoral authorities, become fourth constitutional power, situated in sucre.

following constitution s enactment, new elections public bodies held, , previous terms not considered term limits. additionally, president allowed re-elected once, allowing evo morales 2 more terms if decides pursue route. furthermore, if no candidate gains more 50% of vote in presidential election, there second round; now, national congress decided become president in such case.

atacama corridor

the 2009 constitution of bolivia states country has unrenounciable right on territory gives access pacific ocean , maritime space. understood chilean territory bolivia ceded in treaty of peace , friendship of 1904 between chile , bolivia after war of pacific left bolivia landlocked country. text pledges achieve resolution issue through peaceful means.

the constitution states following:

artícle 267

i. state of bolivia declares indispensable , irreversible right on territories give access pacific ocean , maritime space. ii.the effective solution maritime problem carried out peaceful means , exercise of sovereignty on said territory, constitutes permanent objectives , indispensable ones of bolivian state.


one important change in new constitution introduction of article concerning coca. article states:

article 384

the state shall protect native , ancestral coca cultural patrimony, renewable natural resource of bolivia s biodiversity, , factor of social cohesion; in natural state not narcotic. revaluing, production, commercialization, , industrialization shall regulated law.


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