Later works Enrique Morente

enrique morente in concert (barcelona, march 2009).

in 1995 appeared singing siguiriya in carlos saura s film flamenco , recorded controversial recording: omega, alternative rock group lagartija nick, participation of guitarists such tomatito, vicente amigo, juan manuel cañizares , miguel Ángel cortés , percussionists tino di geraldo. flamenco , punk rock mingled recreations of songs leonard cohen, , lyrics federico garcía lorca s book poeta en nueva york ( poet in new york ), traditional flamenco lyrics. work performed @ 2008 festival internacional de benicàssim, under stage name morente omega con lagartija nick (antonio arias, david fernandez, lorena enjuto , jesus requena).

the year 2001 saw publishing of sought record morente, enrique morente en la casa museo de garcía lorca de fuentevaqueros , collection of songs based on poetry of federico garcía lorca. recording had been made in studio in madrid, in 1990, , had been commissioned diputación de granada (a government institution). limited edition made , copies sent gifts particular persons. in second hand marked, copies reached 25,000 pesetas (150 euros).

another interesting release of morente, el pequeño reloj, saw light in 2003. whereas second half of cd more or less random collection of songs, first half of record comprises surprising series of songs broken in 2 parts: in first part of song, morente s voice superimposed on top of old 78 r.p.m recordings of old masters of flamenco guitar ramón montoya, sabicas or manolo de huelva, while second part modern development of same palo, side guitar of young , innovative guitarist niño josele.

although morente not read musical notation composed music theatre plays, films , television, such work las arrecogidas del beaterio de santa maría egipcíaca , music oedipus king josé luis gómez.

he has tried mixture between flamenco , classical music in works fantasía de cante jondo para voz y orquesta (cante jondo fantasy voice , orchestra, pianist antonio robledo, guitarists juan habichuela , gerardo núñez , madrid symphony orchestra, conducted luis izquierdo, 1986) or allegro soleá, presented @ seville s flamenco biennal in 1990. along lines of mixture of flamenco other types of music, collaborated in show macama jonda josé heredia maya, tetuan andalusian orchestra , abdessadeq cheqara, or bulgarian voices choir angelite. in morente s aforementioned recording omega, mixed flamenco singing punk rock, music leonard cohen, , lyrics federico garcía lorca. in show África-cuba-cai mixed flamenco music senegal, , cuba (cai way cádiz pronounced in andalusian spanish). show underlines historic links between cuban , flamenco music: s been close flamenco, since way back, because ships in cádiz went cuba, came , others stayed on there, ve had that. difficult think of kind of music has not interested morente. after 1 of concerts cheqara orkesta of tetuan, declared: …if had put out cd every culture mixed d putting out 7 or 8 cds year. wouldn t bad – if got paid record company build myself home.

owing innovative approach, morente criticized more extreme traditionalist sectors of flamenco s critical faculty , public, though had been said needless say, cost morente real torment, since flamenco still closed world, in slightest attempt novelty taken deadly sin of heresy. . although morente s work recognized critics, , has inspired many singers of young generation mayte martín or arcángel, there still section of traditionalist critics , public still disparage work:

aficionados scratching heads after show, trying figure out exactly, forms—if any—morente working in of time. remember old days when recognize flamenco forms being performed?

ethnic bias not alien these criticisms. number of flamenco critics , public introduced flamenco @ time of reappraisal period led singers antonio mairena , critics gonzález climent or ricardo molina, in views, pure flamenco singing patrimony of romanis, non-romanis try imitate in vain without ever reaching essence. in same review quoted above can read: , once have experienced great romani singing of sort, erudition of artist morente pales candle flame next blazing torch. these views on morente, though common in 1970s , 1980s, have died down. controversy between tradition , innovation, romani , non-romani singing , other topics, common twenty years ago, relatively confined limited section of public, while flamenco fans , critics acknowledge morente s deep artistic intelligence , commitment:

comes man never sings same way twice, tirelessly seeks new inflection, unheard-of scale, change of tone best matches desired feeling , intentions @ given moment. easy option other one. enrique need extreme intellectual abilities , extreme emotional commitment. takes perfectly-laid, common foundations, defined tradition, , on them builds conceivable potential of flamenco.

in december 2010 reported morente had fallen coma after ulcer operation, , had been declared brain dead. died in madrid on 13 december 2010.


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