Criticism Fideism

1 criticism

1.1 fideism rejected catholic church

1.1.1 fideist currents in catholic thought

1.2 sin
1.3 relativism
1.4 case reason

fideism rejected catholic church

catholic doctrine rejects fideism. catechism of catholic church, representing catholicism s great regard thomism, teachings of st. thomas aquinas, affirms catholic doctrine god s existence can indeed demonstrated reason. aquinas position, distinguished rationalism, has deep roots in western christianity; goes st. anselm of canterbury s observation role of reason explain faith more fully: fides quaerens intellectum, faith seeking understanding, formula.

the official position of catholic church while existence of 1 god can in fact demonstrated reason, nevertheless on account of distortion of human nature caused first sin, humans can deluded deny claims of reason demonstrate god s existence. anti-modernist oath promulgated pope pius x required catholics affirm that:

...god, origin , end of things, can known certainty natural light of reason created world (cf. rom. 1:20), is, visible works of creation, cause effects, , that, therefore, existence can demonstrated...

similarly, catechism of catholic church teaches that:

though human reason is, strictly speaking, capable own natural power , light of attaining true , knowledge of 1 personal god, watches on , controls world providence, , of natural law written in our hearts creator; yet there many obstacles prevent reason effective , fruitful use of inborn faculty. truths concern relations between god , man wholly transcend visible order of things, and, if translated human action , influence it, call self-surrender , abnegation. human mind, in turn, hampered in attaining of such truths, not impact of senses , imagination, disordered appetites consequences of original sin. happens men in such matters persuade not true false or @ least doubtful.

pope john paul ii s encyclical fides et ratio affirms god s existence in fact demonstrable reason, , attempts reason otherwise results of sin. in encyclical, john paul ii warned against resurgence of fideism, fails recognize importance of rational knowledge , philosophical discourse understanding of faith, indeed possibility of belief in god.

fideist currents in catholic thought

historically, there have been number of fideist strains within catholic orbit. catholic traditionalism, exemplified in nineteenth century joseph de maistre, emphasized faith in tradition means of divine revelation. claims of reason multiple, , various people have argued rationally several contradictory things: in environment, safest course hold true faith has been preserved through tradition, , resolve accept church has historically taught. in essay du pape ( on pope ), de maistre argued historically inevitable of protestant churches seek reunification , refuge in catholic church: science greater threat, threatened religious faith, , no religion can resist science, except one.

another refuge of fideist thinking within catholic church concept of signs of contradiction . according belief, holiness of people , institutions confirmed fact other people contest claims: opposition held worthy of comparison opposition met jesus christ himself. opposition , contradiction not inherently prove true in catholic thought, acts additional possible indication of truth. idea of sign of contradiction related conviction that, while human reason still operative, distortion of fallen human nature causes concrete instances of reasoning grope , go astray.

as sin

fideism has received criticism theologians argue fideism not proper way worship god. according position, if 1 not attempt understand 1 believes, 1 not believing. blind faith not true faith. notable articulations of position include:

peter abelard – sic et non
lord herbert – de veritate

as relativism

fideism can lead relativism. existence of other religions puts fundamental question fideists—if faith way know truth of god, how know god have faith in? fideism alone not considered adequate guide distinguish true or morally valuable revelations false ones. apparent consequence of fideism religious thinking becomes equal. major monotheistic religions become on par obscure fringe religions, neither can advocated or disputed.

a case reason

these critics note people use reason in daily lives solve problems , reason has led progressive increase of knowledge in sphere of science. gives credibility reason , argumentative thinking proper method seeking truth.

i not feel obliged believe same god has endowed sense, reason , intellect has intended forgo use.

on other hand, according these critics, there no evidence religious faith rejects reason serve while seeking truth.


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