Commercial area Kogarah, New South Wales

kogarah monetarium, princes highway

montgomery street

belgrave street

a replica of kogarah town square s bruce lee of kogarah statue

kogarah s main shopping area located around kogarah railway station on railway parade, regent street , on opposite side of railway line on station street. commercial area extends surrounding streets such montgomery , belgrave streets. kogarah town centre shopping centre on railway parade. commercial area includes st. george bank national headquarters in large office building in montgomery street, large employer in area. many high rise apartment buildings have been built around commercial area in recent years. noted builder, james goyen, had works depot @ 18 montgomery street, , later @ 4 montgomery street. built original building of was, many years, st george technical college (now campus of sydney institute of tafe).

commercial , light industrial developments located along princes highway , rocky point road. darrell lea chocolate factory located in rocky point road. surrounding streets feature more industrial developments. small group of shops located on president avenue, referred moorefield.

st george hospital major regional hospital, serves whole st george area accepts patients other regions in new south wales. st george private hospital located nearby. many medical centres, doctor s surgeries , specialists’ rooms , related services located in surrounding area.

kogarah police station , kogarah local court located on montgomery street. local court serves whole of st george area , such many barristers , solicitors have offices in kogarah. historic fire station located in gray street , heritage building, kogarah school of arts in bowns road.

the kogarah mecca cinema landmark building, located opposite railway station in station street. cinema used local schools important events such speech day. cinema complex closed business in 2004 , proprietor later sentenced, on appeal, 9 years jail sexual offences upon boys in candy bar store room, projection room, , toilets among other places in period since 1980.

kogarah town centre

the kogarah town centre kogarah s largest shopping centre. includes post office, 2 supermarkets (woolworths , aldi), tavern, along multitude of specialty stores. provides easy access kogarah railway station.

kogarah town centre under complete overhaul, renovations of whole complex. completed in mid-2012, supermarket chain, aldi, opening on ground floor, along fast-food chain oporto (restaurant). expansion of kogarah tavern & woolworths included in overhaul. coffee club added onto level one.

kogarah town square

kogarah town square located in belgrave street. surrounded residential developments , anchored kogarah library , cultural centre. there small shopping arcade below 1 of residential buildings. square surrounded shops, offices, cafes, restaurants , karaoke venue. when completed in 2003 won numerous awards including banksia award leadership in sustainability. designed allen jack + cottier architects.

a statue of bruce lee stands outside kogarah library testament lee s original birthplace.


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