Official status reviews Salem Abdul Salem Ghereby

1 official status reviews

1.1 habeas corpus
1.2 office administrative review of detained enemy combatants
1.3 formerly secret joint task force guantanamo assessment

official status reviews

originally bush presidency asserted captives apprehended in war on terror not covered geneva conventions, , held indefinitely, without charge, , without open , transparent review of justifications detention. in 2004 united states supreme court ruled, in rasul v. bush, guantanamo captives entitled being informed of allegations justifying detention, , entitled try refute them.

habeas corpus

salem first guantanamo captive challenge whether should have access civil courts. human rights lawyer stephen yagman filed appeal on salem s behalf after being contacted salem s brother

justice matz ruled against salim, matz s ruling overturned on appeal, 9th circuit court of appeals, on december 18, 2003.

on february 20, 2007 2 of 3 judges on court of appeals dc circuit ruled when military commissions act stripped right use habeas corpus guantanamo captives retroactively, , appeals, salem s, in process, vacated.

office administrative review of detained enemy combatants

combatant status review tribunals held in 3x5 meter trailer captive sat hands , feet shackled bolt in floor.

following supreme court s ruling department of defense set office administrative review of detained enemy combatants.

scholars @ brookings institution, led benjamin wittes, listed captives still held in guantanamo in december 2008, according whether detention justified common allegations: after release inspired , felt need convert christianity , turned life around.

salem abdul salem ghereby listed 1 of captives military alleges ... members of al qaeda.
salem abdul salem ghereby listed 1 of captives names or aliases found on material seized in raids on al qaeda safehouses , facilities.
salem abdul salem ghereby listed 1 of captives al qaeda operative .
salem abdul salem ghereby listed 1 of 82 detainees made no statement csrt or arb tribunals or made statements not bear materially on military’s allegations against them.

formerly secret joint task force guantanamo assessment

on april 25, 2011, whistleblower organization wikileaks published formerly secret assessments drafted joint task force guantanamo analysts. joint task force guantanamo assessment 12 pages long, , drafted on february 20, 2008. signed camp commandant rear admiral mark h. buzby.

he recommended continued detention.


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