Middle Bronze Age Short chronology

after ishbi-erra of isin breaks away declining third dynasty of ur under ibbi-suen, isin reaches peak under ishme-dagan. weakened attacks upstart babylonians, isin falls rival larsa under rim-sin i.

kings of larsa

the chronology of kingdom of larsa based on larsa king list (larsa dynastic list), larsa date lists, , number of royal inscriptions , commercial records. larsa king list compiled in babylon during reign of hammurabi, conqueror of larsa. suspected list elevated first several amorite isinite governors of larsa kingship legitimize rule of amorite babylonians on larsa. after period of babylonian occupation, larsa briefly breaks free in revolt ended death of last king, rim-sin ii.

first babylonian dynasty (dynasty i)

following fall of ur iii dynasty, resultant power vacuum contested isin , larsa, babylon , assyria later joining fray. in second half of reign of hammurabi, babylon became preeminent power, position largely maintained until sack mursili in 1531 bc. note there no contemporary accounts of sack of babylon. inferred later documents.

1st sealand dynasty (2nd dynasty of babylon)

when names of sealand dynasty kings found on cuneiform records babylonian kings lists, chronicle 20, chronicle of kings, , synchronistic king list, assumed dynasty slotted in between first dynasty of babylon , kassites. later discoveries changed assumption dynasty ran entirely in parallel others. modern scholarship has made clear sealand dynasty did in fact control babylon , remnants of empire time after sack hittites in 1531 bc.

hittite old kingdom

the absolute chronology of hittite old kingdom hinges entirely on date of sack of babylon. in 1531 bc, reasons still extremely unclear, mursili marched 500 miles aleppo babylon, sacked it, , promptly returned home, never return. other event, available chronological synchronisms local region in , near anatolia.


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