Construction Chinese architecture

models of watchtowers , other buildings made during eastern han dynasty (ad 25–220); while these models made of ceramics, real versions made of perishable wood , have not survived.

unlike other building construction materials, old wooden structures not survive because more vulnerable weathering , fires , naturally subjected rotting on time. although now-nonexistent wooden residential towers, watchtowers, , pagodas predated centuries, songyue pagoda built in 523 oldest extant pagoda in china; use of brick instead of wood had endurance throughout centuries. tang dynasty (618–907) onwards, brick , stone architecture gradually became more common , replaced wooden edifices. earliest examples of transition can seen in building projects such zhaozhou bridge completed in 605 or xumi pagoda built in 636, yet stone , brick architecture known have been used in subterranean tomb architecture of earlier dynasties.

a stone-carved pillar-gate, or que (闕), 6 m (20 ft) in total height, located @ tomb of gao yi in ya an, sichuan province, eastern han dynasty (25-220 ad); notice stone-carved decorations of roof tile eaves, despite fact han dynasty stone que (part of walled structures around tomb entrances) lacked wooden or ceramic components (but imitated wooden buildings ceramic roof tiles).

these rammed earth ruins of granary in hecang fortress (chinese: 河仓城; pinyin: hécāngchéng), located ~11 km (7 miles) northeast of western-han-era yumen pass, built during western han (202 bc - 9 ad) , rebuilt during western jin (280-316 ad).

in 20th century there no known wood-constructed tang dynasty buildings still existed; oldest far discovered 1931 find of guanyin pavilion @ dule monastery, dated 984 during song. until architectural historians liang sicheng (1901–1972), lin huiyin (1904–1955), mo zongjiang (1916–1999), , (1902–c. 1960s) discovered great east hall of foguang temple on mount wutai in shanxi reliably dated year 857 in june 1937. groundfloor dimensions monastic hall measures 34 17.66 m (111.5 57.9 ft). year after discovery @ foguang, main hall of nearby nanchan temple on mount wutai reliably dated year 782, while total of 6 tang era wooden buildings have been found 21st century. oldest existent wooden pagoda has survived intact pagoda of fogong temple of liao dynasty, located in ying county of shanxi. while east hall of foguang temple features 7 types of bracket arms in construction, 11th century pagoda of fogong temple features total of fifty-four.

the earliest walls , platforms in china of rammed earth construction, , on time brick , stone became more used. can seen in ancient sections of great wall of china, while brick , stone great wall seen today renovation of ming dynasty (1368–1644).


mortise , tenon work of tie beams , cross beams, li jie s building manual yingzao fashi, printed in 1103.

foundations: buildings typically erected on raised platforms (臺基) foundations. vertical structural beams may rest on raised stone pedestals (柱础) rest on piles. in lower class construction, platforms constructed of rammed earth platforms unpaved or paved brick or ceramics. in simplest cases vertical structural beams driven ground directly. upper class constructions typically have high raised stone paved rammed earth or stone foundations ornately carved heavy stone pedestals supporting large vertical structural beams. vertical beams rest , remain on pedestals solely friction , pressure exerted building structure.
structural beams: use of large structural timbers primary support of roof of building. wooden timber, large trimmed logs, used load-bearing columns , lateral beams framing buildings , supporting roofs. these beams connected each other directly or, in larger , higher class structures, tied indirectly through use of brackets. these structural timbers prominently displayed in finished structures. not definitively known how ancient builders raised huge wooden load bearing columns position.
structural connections: timber frames typically constructed joinery , doweling alone, seldom use of glue or nails. these types of semi-rigid structural joints allow timber structure resist bending , torsion while under high compression. structural stability further ensured through use of heavy beams , roofs, weighs structure down. lack of glue or nails in joinery, use of non-rigid support such dougong, , used of wood structural members allow buildings slide, flex, , hinge while absorbing shock, vibration, , groundshift earthquakes without significant damage structure.
walls: common use of curtain walls or door panels delineate rooms or enclose building, general de-emphasis of load-bearing walls in higher class construction. however, reduction in availability of trees in later dynasties building structures, use of load-bearing walls in non-governmental or religious construction increased, brick , stone being commonly used.

diagram of corbel wood bracket supports ( dougong ) holding multi-inclined roof, architectural treatise yingzao fashi (1103 ad)

roofs: flat roofs uncommon while gabled roofs omnipresent in traditional chinese architecture. roofs either built on roof cross-beams or rest directly on vertical structural beams. in higher class construction, roof supporting beams supported through complex dougong bracketing systems indirectly connect them primary structural beams. 3 main types of roofs found:

roof apex: roof apex of large hall topped ridge of tiles , statues both decorative purposes weigh down layers of roofing tiles stability. these ridges decorated, religious or palatial structures. in regions of china, ridges extended or incorporated walls of building form matouqiang (horse-head walls), serve fire deterrent drifting embers.
roof top decorations: symbolism can found colors of eaves, roofing materials , roof top decorations. gold/yellow auspicious (good) color, imperial roofs gold or yellow. used emperor. green roofs symbolize bamboo shafts, which, in turn, represent youth , longevity.

^ liu, xujie (2002). qin , han dynasties in chinese architecture, 33–60. edited nancy s. steinhardt. new haven: yale university press. isbn 0-300-09559-7. page 55.
^ steinhardt, nancy n. (2005). pleasure tower model, in recarving china s past: art, archaeology, , architecture of wu family shrines , 275–281. edited naomi noble richard. new haven , london: yale university press , princeton university art museum. isbn 0-300-10797-8. pages 279–280.
^ wang xudang, li zuixiong, , zhang lu (2010). condition, conservation, , reinforcement of yumen pass , hecang earthen ruins near dunhuang , in neville agnew (ed), conservation of ancient sites on silk road: proceedings of second international conference on conservation of grotto sites, mogao grottoes, dunhuang, people s republic of china, june 28 - july 3, 2004, 351-357. los angeles: getty conservation institute, j. paul getty trust. isbn 978-1-60606-013-1, pp 351-352.
^ steinhardt, nancy shatzman. tang architectural icon , politics of chinese architectural history, art bulletin (volume 86, number 2, 2004): 228–254. page 228.
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^ archived copy . archived original on 28 june 2014. retrieved 15 september 2014. 


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