Production Horizon (Star Trek: Enterprise)

anthony montgomery pleased have family of character appear in horizon

in interview conducted towards end of first season of enterprise, anthony montgomery suggested see travis mayweather s parents make appearance in show. montgomery pleased when came true in horizon , saying touching episode me, feel of how hard travis leave family , join starfleet.

production began on january 28, 2003 , lasted 7 days. first 3 days of filming took place on enterprise standing sets. second day in particular took place on set gravity neutral sweet spot first seen in enterprise pilot, broken bow . main cast, exception of montgomery required first 3 days. montgomery meanwhile, filmed scenes on course of 7 days alongside guest cast. several sets created on soundstage appear horizon. these included bridge of cargo ship, cargo hold, mayweather s old quarters, mess hall , variety of corridors. horizon rendered using computer-generated imagery , appear similar type of cargo vessel seen in season 1 s fortunate son .

nicole forester appeared in horizon nora, having played dabo girl on star trek: deep space nine. corey mendell parker , joan pringle both made star trek debuts in episode. episode written andré bormanis, had written episodes of star trek: voyager , story editor enterprise during first , second seasons.


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