Leader of the Official Opposition Stéphane Dion

1 leader of official opposition

1.1 parliamentary opposition
1.2 internal discord
1.3 visit afghanistan
1.4 2008 federal election
1.5 resignation

1.5.1 2008 parliamentary dispute

leader of official opposition

mirza masroor ahmad (left), leader of ahmadiyya muslim community, stéphane dion (right), 1 of multiple party leaders attend grand opening of baitun nur, largest mosque in canada on 5 july 2008

after stéphane dion elected leader, liberal party experienced sudden surge in poll numbers. conservatives regained lead shortly thereafter, although parties again tied support in summer of 2007. (for polling specifics, see opinion polling in canadian federal election, 2008.)

as rumours circulated of possible election in 2007, dion bolstered image of liberal party renewed , healed of internal divisions appointing many of former leadership rivals key campaign positions. michael ignatieff named deputy leader, bob rae , scott brison became platform development co-chairs, gerard kennedy named special adviser election readiness , renewal, martha hall findlay charged platform outreach, , ken dryden, received special acknowledgement dion being heart of our party , tasked everywhere .

in january 2007, dion made leadership decision in regards wajid khan, liberal mp serving middle-east adviser prime minister. dion thought inappropriate member of official opposition serving government told khan give position. dion confident khan stay caucus , give advising prime minister, khan chose cross floor, , join conservative caucus instead.

on 18 january 2007, dion unveiled remainder of liberal opposition s shadow cabinet (see official opposition shadow cabinet (canada) complete list of appointments). shortly after dion led liberal caucus in rejection of 2007 conservative budget, arguing failed canadians on economic prosperity, social justice , environmental sustainability.

in response, conservatives launch series of attack ads aimed directly @ dion, attacking leadership abilities , record environment minister similar ads attacking dion appear in november on statements dion prefer new spending on health care , social programs cuts goods , services tax introduced conservatives.

dion @ public town hall meeting in oakville, ontario

on 3 june 2008, stéphane dion voted implement program “allow conscientious objectors...to war not sanctioned united nations...to...remain in canada...”

parliamentary opposition

stéphane dion addresses crowd during 2008 canadian federal election.

on 1 february, dion tabled motion challenging conservatives reaffirm canada s commitment kyoto protocol, attempting capitalize on 2002 letter in prime minister harper described accord socialist scheme based on tentative , contradictory scientific evidence , designed suck money out of rich countries. tory environment minister john baird responded blaming liberals described shameful record on 13 years of inaction on environment, while stephen harper said government stabilize emissions. dion s non-binding motion passed on 5 february.

on 27 february, dion s liberals, bloc québécois , ndp members of parliament, voted down harper government proposal extend 2 controversial provisions of anti-terrorism act 3 years. dion argued measures — allowed police arrest , detain terror suspects 3 days without warrant , allowed judges force witnesses testify in terror cases — have done nothing fight against terrorism , have not been helpful , have continued create risk civil liberties.

on 12 april 2007, dion announced liberals not run candidate against green party leader elizabeth may in nova scotia riding of central nova (then represented conservative peter mackay) in return green party leader s agreement not run green candidate in dion s riding of saint-laurent—cartierville. deal criticized conservatives , ndp (jack layton had rejected earlier attempts may cut backroom deal party), , within liberal party. dion later gave reassurance controversial deal exceptional circumstance liberal voters invited [may] win against peter mackay.

on 8 november 2007, dion released policy plan, compared united kingdom s labour party under former prime minister tony blair. dion mentioned party tackle poverty in canada in order create greener , richer , fairer canada. set targets reduce general poverty 30 percent , child poverty 50 percent helping working families work rewards increasing canada child tax benefit, increasing guaranteed revenues seniors. in editorial in national post, economist alex macmillan notes poverty targets dion has set based on statistics canada measure statistical agency has stated not poverty measure (lico), , using in effect relative income measure rather absolute poverty measure, dion aiming flatten income distribution of canadians. however, there no official poverty rate canada dion otherwise use, , other political parties quote lico figures poverty rates.

internal discord

the first federal by-elections contested liberals under dion s leadership took place on 18 september 2007, in 3 quebec ridings: roberval—lac-saint-jean, outremont , saint-hyacinthe—bagot. party s candidates defeated large margins in 3 races. outremont by-election deemed crucial test dion s leadership pundits, had been held liberals uninterruptedly since 1935. others said poor measure of parties stand. dion s handpicked candidate jocelyn coulon, selected on justin trudeau, defeated ndp s thomas mulcair. dion aide blamed outremont by-election on several factors, including poor organization, lack of communications, , lack of clear policy on quebec, while former mp jean lapierre suggested due dion s 14% approval rating in province. in addition, halifax chronicle-herald reported unidentified dion loyalists accusing michael ignatieff supporters of undermining by-election efforts. though ignatieff phoned dion deny allegations, globe , mail suggested report had negative impact on liberals morale, citing ndp s widening lead after article s release. undaunted, dion declared: defeat, can learn , work united party.

on 23 september 2007, liberal party national director jamie carroll sparked controversy when, during discussions whether francophone quebecers should hired in order appeal francophone voters, commented: have hire people chinese community represent chinese community? carroll argued comment taken out of context, nevertheless raised hackles of many liberals in quebec, prompting calls mps pablo rodriguez , liza frulla carroll fired. stéphane dion stood carroll s version of events , rejected calls carroll s dismissal. on 10 october, liberal press release announced carroll s resignation , commended him loyalty our leader , our party .

marcel proulx resigned dion s quebec lieutenant hours before harper government s throne speech, taking fall 3 by-election losses. dion first approached montreal mps denis coderre , pablo rodriguez succeed proulx, declined. evening named senator céline hervieux-payette vacant post. while party divided on whether or not government should toppled on confidence vote regarding throne speech, dion mentioned in statement in house of commons on 17 october liberals support throne speech major amendments including kyoto protocol , end of mission in afghanistan 2009 , had criticized government on several aspects including economy, seniors , child poverty, crime policy, senate reform. latter amendment proposal rejected new democratic party favouring immediate end mission. dion explained decision canadians not willing have third election in on 3 years. liberal members abstained voting on throne speech on 24 october 2007, passed 126–79.

marc garneau stated not part of dion s vision after being passed on riding nomination. since then, dion , garneau have reconciled, , garneau ran succeed outgoing longtime mp lucienne robillard in westmount—ville-marie.

the liberal party won 3 of 4 by-elections held on 17 march 2008, dion s former leadership rivals bob rae , martha hall findlay won convincing victories in toronto centre , willowdale , joyce murray narrowly returned vancouver quadra. conservatives won fourth contest in northern saskatchewan riding of desnethé—missinippi—churchill river, liberals had narrowly taken in previous election. dion declared results victory party, while noting liberal support siphoned off green party. journalists described outcome mixed result both liberal party , dion s leadership.

visit afghanistan

in january 2008, dion , ignatieff went kandahar, afghanistan visit provincial reconstruction team. visit supposed secret, leaked public conservative junior minister helena guergis. after return, dion angrily criticized guergis action, saying put him @ risk being attacked taliban. in letter harper, dion demanded guergis resignation or firing, saying guergis committed gross breach of canadian security raised doubts fitness cabinet.

2008 federal election

dion makes speech on 10 october 2008, in brampton west. former prime minister jean chrétien, seen here standing behind dion, among notable liberals @ rally.

in 2008, part of measure cutting greenhouse emissions, dion called carbon price. praised similar measure introduced , approved british columbia government in 2008 provincial budget province of quebec introduced carbon-based tax revenues used green technologies. critics other parties liberal mps said concept confusing, expensive , politically risky . environmontal minister john baird stated plan made on bay street , supported big business , polluters . plan received support david suzuki added on ctv s question period that: oppose carbon tax plan, s nonsense. s way got go .

in june 2008, dion unveiled new policy called green shift (le tournant vert) , explained tax shift create ecotax on carbon while reducing personal , corporate income taxes. stated taxation on carbon generate $15 billion per year in revenues offset reduction in income tax revenue.

the plan criticized prime minister harper, described tax grab , compared national energy program federal liberal government adopted in 1980s. on 11 september 2008, ndp leader jack layton criticized green shift, saying hurt consumers, nothing more nuisance energy producers, , evaluates emission equally across sectors instead of maximizing reductions cost lowest. layton further noted dion s proposal not set target reducing emissions.

green shift inc., toronto-based consulting firm, filed $8.5 million lawsuit against liberal party on 9 july 2008, citing trademark infringement. company sought court injunction against liberal party stop using name. dion responded lawsuit deplorable , added liberals not commercial company , did not see legal problems using term green shift .

near end of campaign, dion had interview ctv halifax s anchor steve murphy, dion asked host 3 times restart interview because didn t understand mixed tense , timing of question economy: if prime minister now, have done economy , crisis mr. harper has not done? murphy agreed not air network executives decided release it, generating controversy. on election night, dion angrily refused speak ctv reporters scrumming around him, saying last 1 want speak first [sic] ctv - understand that? .

dion s wife janine krieber drew controversy in 2008 campaign. complained being muzzled liberals, though party officials denied it. reportedly, insiders had concerns outspoken krieber not stick party line , take focus away dion. krieber refused @ last minute introduce dion @ women s event because felt brief speech prepared campaign headquarters undignified.


the liberals lost support on 14 october federal election, being reduced 77 seats, down 103 won in 2006 election. captured 26.2 per cent of popular vote — 2 points lower disastrous showing in 1984 under john turner , 4 points ahead of party s worst ever result in 1867. dion said party lost because did not liberal message out, , took responsibility saying “if people asking why, s because failed.” dion added never had chance establish personal image voters because of conservative ads depicting him dithering egghead . liberal veterans described dion lone wolf dismissed suggestions senior advisers avoid using green shift election platform. party insider said dion reluctant emphasize liberal team because felt being overshadowed leadership rival bob rae.

2008 parliamentary dispute

the liberals , ndp reached deal topple current government , form minority coalition government, support bloc québécois. in agreement, dion have been prime minister (and liberal leader) until may, when liberal party elect successor. dion sent letter of plan governor general michaëlle jean, , opposition had scheduled non-confidence motion 8 december 2008. draw public support, prime minister harper , dion both addressed nation on 3 december 2008. dion s liberal rebuttal, however, considered poor in production quality , delivered late networks, , believed had undermined support coalition. on 4 december 2008, governor general granted prime minister harper s request suspend parliament until january 2009, thereby delaying scheduled non-confidence vote , defeat of conservative government.

shortly afterwards, dion came under increasing pressure party step down liberal leader. on 8 december, dion announced resign leadership successor chosen amongst members of party. resignation took effect on 10 december 2008, upon selection of michael ignatieff interim leader. makes dion second permanent liberal leader in canadian history not become prime minister, after edward blake in 1887. on retirement, dion became shortest serving non-interim leader of liberal party since confederation—serving approximately 4 months less time (740 days 855 days) of next shortest serving leader, paul martin (2003–2006). dion delivered farewell speech on 2 may 2009, @ liberal party leadership convention.


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