Population Kogarah, New South Wales

resurrection of christ greek orthodox church


according 2011 australian bureau of statistics census of population, there 12,764 people resident in kogarah. 63.2% stated born overseas top countries of birth being china 12.0%, nepal 6.5% , bangladesh 4.4%. english stated language spoken @ home 30.0% of residents , common other languages spoken mandarin 10.2%, nepali 6.8% , cantonese 6.7%. common responses religious affiliation catholic 20.0%, no religion 18.2% , orthodox 12.6%.

notable residents

clive james – writer, poet, essayist, critic , commentator on popular culture raised in kogarah.
kenneth slessor, 1 of australia s greatest poets, attended kogarah primary school, in 20th century. family lived in belgrave street, according biographer, geoffrey dutton.
rev dr rowland croucher, theologian , author, lived in warialda street in years of married life while staffworker intervarsity fellowship. wife jan taught @ kogarah high school.
reg gasnier – rugby league legend lived in kogarah.
dave brown rugby league star of 1930s born in kogarah.

^ http://www.censusdata.abs.gov.au/census_services/getproduct/census/2011/quickstat/ssc11273?opendocument&navpos=220


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