Operations Fort Astoria

1 operations

1.1 construction
1.2 activities
1.3 tonquin
1.4 beaver
1.5 war of 1812


the layout of fort astoria in 1811.

by end of may 1811 company employees built fort astoria out of bark-covered logs enclosed stockade , guns mounted defense. ross recalled in 2 months, scarcely yet acre of ground cleared due many initial difficulties pfc employees faced in establishing fort astoria:

the place selected emporium of west, might challenge whole continent produce spot of equal extent presenting more difficulties settler: studded many gigantic trees of incredible size, many of them measuring fifty feet in girth, , close together, , intermingled huge rocks, make work of no ordinary labour level , clear ground.

by time overland party joined them in february 1812, pfc laborers had constructed trading store, blacksmith s shop, house, , storage shed pelts acquired trapping or trading local native americans. traders arranged cannons around perimeter defense. post serve administrative center various pfc satellite forts such fort okanogan.


on june 15, 1811, 2 unusual native visitors arrived: two-spirit kaúxuma núpika (known in english man-like woman or bowdash, derived chinook jargon burdash) , wife, both of kootenai far interior. pfc management suspected 2 of being spies nwc, @ same time welcomed detailed geographical knowledge. nwc employee, david thompson, arrived month later after navigating entire length of columbia river. thompson knew kootenai couple , told astorians kaúxuma núpika , unusual life. both astorians , thompson s party ended protecting life of kaúxuma núpika, prophecies of smallpox among local natives put life @ risk.

thompson, months had been out of touch evolving politics between fur companies, believed nwc held one-third partnership astor s pacific fur company. carried letter effect. astorians knew deal had fallen through dealt thompson if deal still on. journals of thompson , astorians silent on matter, yet both parties took steps mislead or thwart other, while @ same time remaining on friendly terms. in remote region, neither party knew whether 2 companies allies or competitors.

in june 1812, number of men @ fort astoria reduced 11 hawaiians , 39 european descendants. fear of attack chinookans high , drills directed mcdougall frequently. delegation of chinookans visited fort astoria on 2 july left after witnessing these military demonstrations. fear natives convinced astorians not friendly disposed towards us... having desire harm us. according jones, latent distrust of chinookans astorians incident unfounded, entered post innocent purpose , frightened drills.

the tonquin

late in 1811 tonquin destroyed off coast of vancouver island. loss of vessel created shortage of provisions @ fort astoria until beaver arrived following year in 1812.

acting on orders of astor, thorn , tonquin departed russian america in june 1811. @ destruction island quinault man familial ties vancouver island, joseachal, hired serve translator. while @ clayoquot sound off vancouver island, thorn became frustrated prices set local tla-o-qui-aht people there. reportedly took animal pelt , struck elder appointed primary negotiator. offense offended tla-o-qui-aht, , while joseachal advised thorn of danger, captain refused depart.

eventually brisk trade commenced locals had remained on board, pelts being sold american blades. after receiving weapons tla-o-qui-aht attacked , in ensuing conflict tonquin destroyed. josechal sole survivor , later returned fort astoria inform mcdougall of fate of vessel. loss of tonquin caused great deal of hardship personnel @ fort astoria still held large amount of trade goods , foodstuffs intended trade in region.

the beaver

astor sent beaver resupply fort arrived in 1812. besides additional american , british subjects, further 26 hawaiian kanakas transported bolster company workforce. there beaver took stockpiled animal pelts @ astoria on board , sailed novo-arkhangelsk. agreement russian american governor, alexander andreyevich baranov, made exchange of foodstuffs , trade goods in return russian furs. there beaver sailed chinese port of guangzhou sell furs highly valuable chinese manufactured goods. due ongoing war of 1812, beaver remained @ guangzhou until resolution of conflict , reached new york city in 1816.

war of 1812

the war of 1812 between british , americans brought tension fort astoria, though not result of hostilities between fur companies. on 1 july 1813 fort officers of donald mackenzie, duncan mcdougall, david stuart , john clarke, desiring abandon fort agreed sell pfc trading stations british-owned nwc, unless necessary support , supplies arrive advice john jacob astor of new york, or stockholders continue trade, same shall abandoned impracticable, unprofitable. nwc staff arrived @ coast after running low on food supplies in interior on 7 october, liquidation of pfc assets being executed on 23 october.

the hms racoon, british war-sloop, visited fort astoria on 12 december 1813, instructed claim station british possession. captain william black found trading station far militarily imposing, reportedly exclaiming fort have heard talking? damn me, d batter down in 2 hours 4 pounder! black renamed post fort george in honor of king george iii.


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