Life Hans Karl Breslauer

1 life

1.1 career actor , screenwriter
1.2 career film director
1.3 career journalist , author

career actor , screenwriter

hans karl breslauer born in vienna, son of proprietor of coffee-house, intended should take over. instead became actor. first engagements in cologne, wiesbaden , vienna.

from 1910 breslauer active in berlin screenwriter. produced 40 filmscripts film companies duskes, messter, vitascope, mutoscope , biograph.

from 1914 supposed have had first directing job sascha-film in vienna, has been called question because of lack of evidence directing in these years. can shown have had acting role in viennese regent-film production zu spät gesühnt (1916).

career film director

breslauer s first demonstrable directorial involvement in 1918 in sascha-film production ihre beste rolle.

after world war worked director leyka-film , biehl-film. in 1919/1920 vicepresident of film directors club of austria. 1921 breslauer regularly directed mondial-film, under roof set own production company, h.k.b.-film. first films lieb mich, und die welt ist mein (1924) , strandgut (also 1924), shot in 1923 on corsica , french riviera. on productions, example oh, du lieber augustin (1922), claimed responsibility screenplay.

at end of 1923 breslauer began filming hugo bettauer s successful novel, die stadt ohne juden ( city without jews ). today both book , film seem premonition of happen in europe 1933, @ time intended comedy , designed have wide popular appeal. breslauer therefore changed number of details during filming, result of various allusions real world deliberately intended bettauer, lost. noticeable example of change in name of city vienna, in book, utopia in film. reason of deviations original reduce political controversy of film in order avoid problems censorship , alienating public opinion. nevertheless, in many showings of film, not successful book had been, there disturbances national socialists. film, still extant , available, provides insight normality of anti-semitism in 1920s.

after die stadt ohne juden no further film work breslauer known. film newspaper mein film reports of directing on sascha-film production der fliegende haupttreffer, apparently never came anything. departure film world may explained crisis caused across entire european film industry massive expansion of cheap american film market hollywood, put european film producers under enormous pressure, including in austria, film production companies went out of business.

in october 1925 breslauer married actress anna (or anny) milety, had taken female lead in many of films.

career journalist , author

from 1930s breslauer active writer. member of reichsschrifttumskammer ( reich chamber of authorship ) , published under pseudonym bastian schneider . between 1934 , 1939 regularly wrote amusing contributions grenzboten in bratislava (then pressburg), 1936 1942 das kleine blatt in vienna , additionally 1938 1944 kleine volks-zeitung, in vienna. 1940, same year in joined nazi party, contributed light pieces newspapers across entire third reich, example breslauer neueste nachrichten, essener allgemeine zeitung , leipziger tageszeitung.

after end of world war ii breslauer , wife moved loibichl near mondsee in upper austria, rented rooms in guesthouse. continued publish, writing short fiction under own name , pseudonyms jenny romberg , james o cleaner . success eluded him on, , died impoverished in salzburg hospital on 15 april 1965.


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