B Glossary of bird terms

explanatory diagram pycraft, w. p. (1893). interlocking of feathers . natural science: monthly review of scientific progress. vol. 3. macmillan. p. 199. 

the exterior region of bird s upper parts between mantle , rump.
also defined herewith: ramus (plural: rami). barbs individual structures growing out of shaft collectively make vanes of feathers, more or less interconnected hooklets of barbules, extending each side of distal part of feather s shaft known rachis. central axis of barb known ramus.
also, radius / radii; tertiary fibres. defined herewith: proximal barbules; distal barbules; barbicels; hooklets (hamuli); pennulum; teeth. barbs branch off on parallel sides of rachis, barbs in turn have set of structures called barbules, branching each side of ramus. base cells of barbule form plate thinner stalk projects called pennulum. @ 1 more level of branching, pennulum hosts small outgrowths called barbicels—which when found on pennaceous feathers, vary in structure depending on side of barb s ramus project from. proximal barbules (on proximal side of ramus) have ventral projections near base called teeth, while growing pennulum cilia—simple pointed structures. @ base of proximal barbule, dorsal edge recurved flange . distal barbules (on distal side of ramus) have thicker base more elaborate teeth, , longer pennulum hooklets (also called hamuli) @ end, cilia in greater number on proximal barbules. hooklets overlap 1 4 rows of proximal barbules on next higher barb, locking flanges, thereby giving vane structure, strength, flexibility , stability. see also: friction barbules.
basic plumage
also, winter plumage; non-breeding plumage. defined herewith: supplementary plumage. plumage of birds during non-breeding season. results prebasic moult many birds undergo after season, , (rarely) second non-breeding season moult (resulting in s termed supplementary plumage ) prior next breeding season. basic plumage commonly duller alternate or nuptial plumage.

comparison of bird bills, displaying different shapes adapted different feeding methods (not scale)


also bill or rostrum. external anatomical structure of bird s head, corresponding nose of mammal, used eating , grooming, manipulating objects, killing prey, fighting, probing food, courtship , feeding young. although beaks vary in size , shape species species, underlying structures have similar pattern. beaks composed of 2 jaws, known upper mandible (or maxilla) , lower mandible (or mandible), covered thin horny sheath of keratin called rhamphotheca, can subdivided rhinotheca of upper mandible , gnathotheca of lower mandible. tomia (singular: tomium) cutting edges of 2 mandibles. species of birds have external nares (nostrils) located somewhere on beak—two holes—circular, oval or slit-like in shape—which lead nasal cavities within bird s skull, , rest of respiratory system. although word beak was, in past, restricted sharpened bills of birds of prey, in modern ornithology, terms beak , bill considered synonymous.
beak colour

the colour of bird s beak results concentrations of pigments—primarily melanins , carotenoids—in epidermal layers, including rhamphotheca. in general, beak colour depends on combination of bird s hormonal state , diet. colours typically brightest breeding season approaches , palest after breeding.
beak trimming

also debeaking , coping. partial removal of beak of poultry, layer hens , turkeys although may performed on quail , ducks. because beak sensitive organ many sensory receptors, beak trimming or debeaking acutely painful birds performed on. nonetheless routinely done intensively farmed bird species, because helps reduce damage flocks inflict on due number of stress-induced behaviours, including cannibalism, vent pecking , feather pecking. cauterizing blade or infrared beam used cut off half of upper beak , third of lower beak. pain , sensitivity can persist weeks or months after procedure, , neuromas can form along cut edges. food intake typically decreases period after beak trimmed. however, studies show trimmed poultry s adrenal glands weigh less, , plasma corticosterone levels lower found in untrimmed poultry, indicating less stressed overall. similar separate practice, performed avian veterinarian or experienced birdkeeper, involves clipping, filing or sanding beaks of captive birds health purposes—in order correct or temporarily alleviate overgrowths or deformities , better allow bird go normal feeding , preening activities. coping name practice amongst raptor keepers.
also abdomen. topographical region of bird s underparts between posterior end of breast , vent.
also nebbing (chiefly uk). describes tendency of mated pairs of many bird species touch or clasp each other s bills. behaviour appears strengthen pair bonding. amount of contact involved varies among species. gently touch part of partner s beak while others clash beaks vigorously together.
bill tip organ

a region found near tip of bill in several types of birds forage particularly probing. region has high density of nerve endings known corpuscles of herbst. these consist of pits in bill s surface lined cells sense pressure changes. assumption these cells allow bird perform remote touch , meaning can detect movement of animals pressure variations in water, without directly touching prey. bird species known have bill-tip organs includes members of ibisis, shorebirds of family scolopacidae , kiwis.

a female javan banded pitta (hydrornis guajanus), numbered ring banding left leg

bird ringing

also bird banding. attachment of small, individually numbered metal or plastic tag leg or wing of wild bird enable individual identification. helps in keeping track of movements of bird , life history. upon capture ringing, common take measurements , examine conditions of feather moult, amount of subcutaneous fat, age indications , sex. subsequent recapture or recovery of bird can provide information on migration, longevity, mortality, population, territoriality, feeding behaviour , other aspects studied ornithologists. bird ringing term used in uk , in other parts of europe; while term bird banding more used in u.s. , australia.
bird strike
the impact bird or birds airplane in flight.
body down
the layer of small, fluffy down feathers lie underneath outer contour feathers on bird s body. compare: natal down , powder down.
the topographical region of external anatomy between throat , belly.
breeding plumage
see alternate plumage.
the collective term offspring of birds, or act of brooding eggs.
see egg incubation.

also defined herewith: broody. action or behavioural tendency sit on clutch of eggs incubate them, requiring non-expression of many other behaviours including feeding , drinking. adjective broody defined [b]eing in state of readiness brood eggs characterized cessation of laying , marked changes in behavior , physiology . example usage: broody hen .
brood patch
during nesting season, females of bird species gain bare patch of skin shedding feathers close belly, in area in contact eggs during incubation. patch of bare skin supplied blood vessels @ surface, facilitating heat transfer eggs.
brood parasite

birds, such common goldeneye, indigobirds, whydahs, honeyguides, cowbirds , new world cuckoos, lay eggs in other birds nests, in order have chicks incubated through fledging, parents of bird, of species.

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