Transformers: Robots in Disguise Hot Shot (Transformers)

1 transformers: robots in disguise

1.1 animated series
1.2 convention comics
1.3 toys

transformers: robots in disguise

in parallel universe series, transformers: robots in disguise, hot shot portrayed leader of spy changer team. hot shot has worked beside optimus prime long time. comes across rough , tough, hard exterior hides caring, concerned nature underneath. can manipulate fire @ will. takara tech spec artfire says relative of fire convoy/optimus prime.

animated series

the spy changers team of 6 autobot espionage specialists, consisting of powerful caring ironhide (ox), speedy sniper mirage (counter arrow), eager-for-combat trooper w.a.r.s. (wicked attack recon sportscar) (wars), science officer crosswise (x-car), tactician r.e.v. (race exercion vehicle) (eagle killer), , flame-manipulating leader, hot shot (artfire). team can drive on surface, water, in defiance of gravity, , have optical camouflage powers render them invisible. in television series, spy changers received little characterization - acting in group attack or perform whatever mission had been assigned. play large role towards beginning of series, playing smaller role after build team introduced. return towards end of series fight megatron/galvatron.

convention comics

hot shot appearing in transformerscon 2006 program comic.

hot shot among transformers appearing in transformerscon 2006 program comic.


most of molds of spy changers based on created go-bots line of transformers seen in generation 2. mold used hot shot used go-bots blowout, megatron , frenzy.


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