Transformers: Generation 1 Hot Shot (Transformers)

1 transformers: generation 1

1.1 henkei! henkei! comic
1.2 idw publishing
1.3 toys

transformers: generation 1

hot shot honorable warrior deft in stylish battle. despite secret destiny future leadership, still requires advice senior comrades. partners jolt. hot shot preliminary name of fellow autobot, warpath.

henkei! henkei! comic

hot shot dug ground, stuck in stasis lock, mini vehicles, before buried body of dinobot discovered. hot shot gained consciousness, dinobot began attack others, until hot shot (and mini-con, jolt) faced dinobot in battle.

as hot shot performed stylish moves, dinobot suggested 2 battle leadership. however, hot shot declined dinobot s offer , suggested instead team , make peace. hot shot returned dinobot autobot headquarters, grimlock ruined hot shot s plan suggesting grimlock , dinobot play @ battle each other.

idw publishing

though unnamed, hot shot debuted in transformers: drift #2. in war, hot shot destroyed drag strip in front lines of battle. in transformers: windblade #1, hot shot seen living on transformers colony on caminus, operating cityspeaker planet s namesake, alongside lightbright.

in custom-made , takes place in altered timeline in war averted, hot shot persisted present day. watched in confusion data slug companion remotely executed functionists. interestingly, in same panel, character depicted having hot shot s energon design.


henkei! henkei! deluxe cybertron hot rod (2009)

hot rod redeco , retool of universe hot shot. version of hot shot mold used make timelines dion.


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