Postwar Hatazō Adachi

adachi on way surrender.

at end of war, adachi taken custody australian government , charged war crimes in connection mistreatment , arbitrary execution of prisoners of war. although not involved in of atrocities mentioned, adachi insisted on absorbing command responsibility actions of subordinates during military tribunal. sentenced life imprisonment. after war adachi charged war crimes, including killing of prisoners, , on 12 july 1947 sentenced imprisonment life. on 10 september year killed himself in quarters paring knife in prisoners compound @ rabaul, having first written number of letters.

in 1 of these, addressed officers , men of xviii army in compound, said:

felt great honour have been appointed c-in-c in november 1942, @ time when issue of day settled, , posted point of strategic importance in order ensure tide of war moved in our favour. thankful appointment. however, notwithstanding fact officers , men did best in exceptional circumstances, surmounting difficulties, , superiors gave utmost assistance, hoped-for end not attained, because of inability. paved way country driven present predicament. crime deserves death. during past 3 years of operations more 100,000 youthful , promising officers , men lost , of them died of malnutrition. when think of this, know not apologies make majesty emperor , feel myself overwhelmed shame . . . . have demanded perseverance far exceeding limit of man s endurance of officers , men, exhausted , emaciated result of successive campaigns , want of supplies. however, officers , men followed orders in silence without grumbling, and, when exhausted, succumbed death flowers falling in winds. god knows how felt when saw them dying, bosom being filled pity them, though solely country dedicated lives. @ time made mind not set foot on country s soil again remain clod of earth in southern seas 100,000 officers , men, if time should come when able return country in triumph.


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