The War James Morris III

1 war

1.1 commission , service
1.2 captivity
1.3 post-release

the war

battle of germantown christian schussele

commission , service

morris s tenure instructor in litchfield cut short when, within months of arriving, received unsolicited ensign s commission in connecticut militia, accepted. while in service of connecticut militia morris saw first action, fighting battles in both long island , white plains. in memoirs, morris wrote of time, stating soldiers universally manifested great respect me, care of sick , attention wants, , sympathies in distresses.

in late december 1776, morris completed commitment connecticut militia , accepted commission in continental army first lieutenant. after serving recruiting officer in litchfield, morris joined general george washington , army @ peekskill. on october 3, 1776, general washington commanded army in battle of germantown. american forces unsuccessful in battle , morris taken prisoner of war on october 4, 1776.


the part of morris s confinement trying. taken new jail in philadelphia locked in cold room ... destitute of cold stone walls , bare floors—no kind of seat sit on—all total darkness, no water drink or morsel eat; without blanket cover [him].

despite meager accommodations, morris decided make best of imprisonment in philadelphia negotiating jailors borrow books so-called circulating library established benjamin franklin in city. 1 historian points time when morris exposed philosophers influential in later life educator: milton, james morris absorbed ideas in favor of healthy exercises develop both body , mind @ same time; rollin, danger of following custom blindly rather reason; , form locke, novel idea english language important latin , greek.

surrender of cornwallis @ yorktown john trumbull, 1797

in may 1778, morris convinced captors admit him parole , sent flatbush, long island, stayed mr. clarkson. in memoir, morris noted clarkson man of science , large property, ... owned extensive private library [morris] had ever known in united states. while still in captivity morris found situation rather comfortable , took every advantage of library admired.

on january 3, 1781, morris freed part of prisoner exchange.


upon release, morris returned peekskill discovered had been promoted rank of captain while in custody of british. morris commanded company white plains until received orders head south virginia. upon arrival, morris s company, under overall command of general george washington, aided in siege of yorktown, last major battle of american revolution. specifically, morris s company of light infantry provided support forlorn hope commanded colonel alexander hamilton.


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