Gyil Xylophone

the gyil (english: /ˈdʒɪlə/ or /ˈdʒiːl/) pentatonic instrument common gur-speaking populations in ghana, burkina faso, mali , ivory coast in west africa. gyil primary traditional instrument of dagara people of northern ghana , burkina faso, , of lobi of ghana, southern burkina faso, , ivory coast. gyil played in pairs, accompanied calabash gourd drum called kuor. can played 1 person drum , stick part accompaniment, or soloist. gyil duets traditional music of dagara funerals. instrument played men, learn play while young, however, there no restriction on gender.

the gyil s design similar balaba or balafon used mande-speaking bambara, dyula , sosso peoples further west in southern mali , western burkina faso, region shares many musical traditions of northern ivory coast , ghana. made 14 wooden keys of african hardwood called liga attached wooden frame, below hang calabash gourds. spider web silk covers small holes in gourds produce buzzing sound , antelope sinew , leather used fastenings. instrument played rubber-headed wooden mallets.


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