Systems 1860 Atlantic hurricane season

1 systems

1.1 hurricane one
1.2 hurricane two
1.3 hurricane three
1.4 hurricane four
1.5 tropical storm five
1.6 hurricane six
1.7 hurricane seven


hurricane one

the first known storm of season—which become strongest—is listed in hurricane database having formed on august 8 in eastern gulf of mexico, offshore west coast of florida peninsula, although possible hurricane related heavy gale encountered ship on august 5 during voyage havana, cuba new york city. cyclone drifted southwest 3 days, gradually intensifying attain strength corresponding category 3 major hurricane status on modern-day saffir-simpson hurricane scale. beginning on august 11, hurricane curved north, gained easterly component movement, , @ peak intensity maximum sustained winds of 130 mph (210 km/h) midday.

coming ashore @ oblique angle, storm crossed coast @ modern burrwood, louisiana, , traversed mississippi river delta. storm made landfall in mississippi between biloxi , pascagoula on august 12. hurricane weakened continued inland , turned toward east, deteriorating below tropical storm status while on southern georgia, although because hurricane database not utilize tropical depression status storms before 1871, listed maintaining tropical storm intensity crossed southeastern u.s.; august 14, had remerged western atlantic ocean. ship reports vicinity of system indicate regained strength once on open waters, although persisted couple more days before disappeared on records.

storm conditions battered new orleans, louisiana, on august 11, winds of 50 mph (80 km/h) , heavy rainfall. hurricane wrought great deal of damage throughout southeastern louisiana. @ least 35 40 people drowned when low-lying community @ eastern end of lake pontchartrain inundated flood waters depth of 12 feet (3.7 m), result of intense , persistent winds generating significant storm surge. reported in town there hardly house remaining . railroad wharf near lake largely destroyed, , settlement called milneburg flooded; residents rescued boat. in plaquemines parish, vast areas of land left underwater, hurricane severe since 1812. @ least 20 additional people drowned, although suspected since 200 fishermen along mississippi river have had extreme difficulty finding shelter amid rapidly rising waters, death toll substantially higher. storm flattened sugarcane fields across parish: knowing ones 2 thousand hogshead of sugar less made here , according post-storm account. monetary losses destruction totaled on $250,000. rice , corn crops ruined, , 300 head of cattle drowned in flood on cat island.

at la balize (now known pilottown), ominous weather conditions on night of august 9 preceded onset of gathering clouds , violent storm , characterized building seas , torrents of rain , wind such water driven under roof shingles, leaving not dry spot lay our heads . sea water swamped town overnight on august 10, , not until around noon when storm let , waters receded shift in winds. property damage widespread , many trees blown down. hurricane beached several watercraft, destroyed wharves, , inflicted losses can hardly estimated , judged @ $10,000. no lives lost in balize. further down storm s track, biloxi, mississippi, experienced gale beginning on morning of august 11 , lasting until next morning. tides ran 10 ft (3.0 m) above average @ biloxi, , in mobile, alabama, residents found wind-driven rain seeping through cracks , crevices not known before exist in dwellings waterproof ordinary showers . waters rose enough cause minor inundations, not @ same severity occurred in other areas. heavy storm conditions extended far east pensacola, florida, 3.03 in (77 mm) of rain fell, accompanied frequent thunder , lightning. overall death toll hurricane @ least 47.

hurricane two

over week after dissipation of first system, tropical storm formed east of florida on august 23. storm tracked northeastward, paralleling east coast of united states peaked sustained winds of 105 mph (169 km/h) on august 25. these winds have made category 2 hurricane on saffir-simpson hurricane scale. continuing in same general direction, hurricane began weaken shortly after attaining peak intensity, , last official data point storm places east of new england on august 26. hurricane undetected until modern-day reanalysis reconstructed path based on reports ships in area. on august 24, vessel mary rusell encountered storm , sustained damage. day later, heavy southeasterly gale left vessel rocius in sinking condition ; captain , crew rescued crew of zurich.

hurricane three

the second storm discovered in contemporary reanalysis identified based on meteorological reports single ship, ocean spray, experienced northeast gale shifting northwest on september 11. given intensity of winds, cyclone estimated have been category 1 hurricane, although due complete lack of information on system, track unknown exception of single set of coordinates southeast of newfoundland.

hurricane four

a hurricane in middle of september affected of same areas along northern coast of gulf of mexico august hurricane. first detected on evening of september 10 in southeastern gulf, although track may far off actual storms movement due lack of available information. first data point in hurricane database lists possessing sustained winds of 100 mph (160 km/h), placing @ category 2 intensity on saffir-simpson hurricane scale. storm followed broad northward curve through central gulf of mexico, making landfall along mississippi river delta of louisiana on night of september 14. continued toward north-northeast, dissipating on september 16.

once again, balize, louisiana directly in hurricane s path, , suffered heavily consequence. storm lasted afternoon on friday, september 14 late saturday morning. local reports indicate heavy rain , large hail fell in association cyclone, , in balize, every structure destroyed; buildings withstood initial winds swept away ensuing inundation. floodwaters killed ten people @ 1 location alone in plaquemines parish. residents of hardest-hit communities forced wade safety, in cases through water shoulder-high. northerly winds drove water lake pontchartrain had been built northeasterly winds southward on small fishing , resort towns along southern bank of lake. sheds, wharves, , bathhouses along section of lake destroyed. several people drowned in flood waters covered lower plaquemines parish. hurricane drove several ships, including steamer galveston, ashore.

an article published in times-picayune contrasted hurricane cyclone of august, noting 2 storms of similar intensity, , although september system did not last long in 1 location, hydrology played more significant role: in august swamps dry , waters lake found natural outlet; whereas, yesterday, swamp being full, water rose in streets of milneburgh , covered railroad track distance. in new orleans proper, heavy rain , gusty winds reported, no flooding observed. worst damage hurricane occurred in biloxi, coastline altered 20 30 ft (6.1 9.1 m) , lighthouse swept out sea. hotel collapsed amid disaster, killing @ least 1 person, , loose debris covered town. @ east pascagoula, mississippi, sea rose beyond of storm in around 40 years, , nearby wharf totally destroyed. initial estimates placed total damage in area @ $40,000. storm severe in mobile, alabama, , majority of $1 million in losses there lost cotton stored on flooded wharves. @ pascagoula, water reportedly rose 7 ft (2.1 m) in 20 minutes.

tropical storm five

the fifth known storm of year yet cyclone first identified in post-season reanalysis. forming on september 18 north of puerto rico, efforts made piece wind observations ships reveal track curved toward northwest, passing midway between u.s. east coast , bermuda before heading northeast. based on available information, cyclone estimated have remained @ tropical storm intensity entire existence. last noted southeast of new england on september 21.

hurricane six

the third , final hurricane known have existed prior reanalysis formed in south-central gulf of mexico. ludlum (1963) describes storm along gulf coast, reconstruction of track further south, including intensification, made possible ship reports. in particular, schooner along coast of yucatán peninsula encountered stormy conditions around september 30 southeasterly winds , driven northward through gulf. storm moved toward north few days, reaching peak winds of 105 mph (169 km/h) on october 2. made landfall on atchafalaya basin around noon on october 2 before passing west of new orleans, weakening tropical storm before moving central mississippi. strong winds @ new orleans lasted more 24 hours.

the new orleans area hit harder in 2 prior storms strike gulf coast; densely populated areas located in eastern semicircle of storm, 1 of intense quadrants. residents in plaquemines parish, louisiana reported storm worst wind event had ever experienced. coinciding beginning of annual season of sugar production, storm destroyed vast fields of sugar cane south , southwest of new orleans , flattened many sheds used store farming equipment. winds throughout region of south-central louisiana inflicted unparallelled destruction , causing major structural damage. reported impossible walk through streets of city @ height @ storm; winds came on 5 in (130 mm) of rain. thirteen people died in hurricane @ new orleans. five-story brick building succumbed force of hurricane , crashed onto city below; caught in path 2 other buildings. particular incident killed 2 people. many other buildings suffered damaged roofs , broken glass, , telegraph , police wires brought down.

the easterly winds created storm surge on lake pontchartrain , inundated eastern , northern areas of new orleans. dynamics of flood considered unprecedented , having come within 0.75 mi (1.21 km) of mississippi river. flood waters rose until on october 4, when began recede. jackson railroad, on western , northwestern shore of lake, flooded depth of 5 ft (1.5 m), , 11 mi (18 km) of track washed out. numerous families in residents near railroad forced leave homes , seek shelter upon onset of rising waters. numerous coal boats , steamboats swamped , sunk in , around baton rouge, experienced first severe hurricane strike in many years. countless trees uprooted along mississippi, , crop damage continued prevalence going further north. natchez saw highest winds in town since tornado in 1840, , although hurricane struck further west previous two, gale winds still extended eastward pensacola.

hurricane seven

the final known storm of season existed in late october, , followed same track tropical storm five, forming in southwestern atlantic basin , curving northward between u.s. , bermuda. track known between october 20 , october 24, , not recognized until subsequent reanalysis. determined have attained equivalence of category 2 hurricane intensity based on reports many ships. last data point places southeast of nova scotia on october 24. hurricane thought have been threat shipping interests, , numerous ships encountered dangerous conditions in association cyclone. few vessels sustained significant damage: gondar experienced winds such violence top gallant mast broken off cap, maintopsail blown pieces , ship thrown on beam ends.


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