Prehistoric development History of clothing and textiles

the development of textile , clothing manufacture in prehistory has been subject of number of scholarly studies since late 20th century. these sources have helped provide coherent history of these prehistoric developments. evidence suggests humans may have begun wearing clothing far 100,000 500,000 years ago.

early adoption of apparel

genetic analysis suggests human body louse, lives in clothing, may have diverged head louse 170,000 years ago, supports evidence humans began wearing clothing @ around time. these estimates predate first known human exodus africa, although other hominid species may have worn clothes – , shared these louse infestations – appear have migrated earlier.

possible sewing needles have been dated around 40,000 years ago. earliest definite examples of needles originate solutrean culture, existed in france 19,000 bc 15,000 bc. earliest dyed flax fibers have been found in prehistoric cave in georgia , date 36,000.

at later date (25,000 years) venus figurines depicted clothing. western europe adorned basket hats or caps, belts worn @ waist, , strap of cloth wrapped around body right above breast. eastern european figurines wore belts, hung low on hips , string skirts.

archaeologists have discovered artifacts same period appear have been used in textile arts: (5000 bc) net gauges, spindle needles , weaving sticks.


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