History Nainital

st. john in wilderness, nainital, 1860

early construction

the kumaon hills came under british rule after anglo-nepalese war (1814–16). hill station town of naini tal founded in 1841, construction of first european house (pilgrim lodge) p. barron, sugar trader shahjahanpur. in memoir, wrote: far best site have witnessed in course of 1,500 miles (2,400 km) trek in himalayas. in 1846, when captain madden of bengal artillery visited naini tal, recorded houses rapidly springing in parts of settlement: towards crest of limitary ranges 7,500 ft (2,300 m) above sea level: rugged , woody anyarpatta aashish (anyar-patt – in kumaoni means – complete blackout. reason nomenclature locals because there minimal sun rays due location , dense forests) being gradually planted , favourite sites on undulating tract of forest land stretched head of lake base of china , deopatta (camel s hump). church, st. john in wilderness, 1 of earliest buildings in nainital, followed belvedere, alma lodge, ashdale cottage(1860)... soon, town became health resort favoured british soldiers , colonial officials , families trying escape heat of plains. later, town became summer residence of governor of united provinces.

the landslip of 1880

in september 1880 landslide ( landslip of 1880 ) occurred @ north end of town, burying 151 people. first known landslide had occurred in 1866, , in 1879 there larger 1 @ same spot, alma hill, great slip occurred in following year, on saturday 18 september 1880.

2 days preceding slip there heavy rain, ... 20 inches (510 mm) 35 in (890 mm) fell during 40 hours ending on saturday morning, , downpour still lasted , continued hours after slip. heavy fall naturally brought down streams of water hill side, endangering victoria hotel, ... (which) not building threatened ... bell s shop, volunteer orderly room , hindu (naina devi) temple scenes of labour view diverting streams. @ quarter 2 landslip occurred burying in , around buildings mentioned above.

the number of dead , missing 108 indian , 43 british nationals. (see poem hannah battersby on page literary references nainital.) assembly rooms , naina devi temple destroyed in disaster. recreation area known flats later built on site , new temple erected. prevent further disasters, storm water drains constructed , building bylaws made stricter.

st. joseph s college, nainital tiffin top (dorothy s seat)

in latter half of 19th century number of european schools boys , girls founded in nainital. during victorian , edwardian eras, students in these schools consisted largely of children of british colonial officials or soldiers. diocesan girls high school, known saints college, established in 1869, near high court of uttarakhand stands today. 1906, there on half dozen such schools, including diocesan boys school (later renamed sherwood college) , philander smith s college (later renamed halett war school, birla vidya mandir).

st. joseph s college, nainital (popularly known sem), day-boarding , residential school built irish brothers in 1888, celebrated 125th anniversary in 2013. important school girls, st. mary s convent high school, nainital(popularly known ramnee), established in 1878, , celebrated 125th anniversary in year 2003.


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