Campuses University of the State of Paraná

1 campuses

1.1 apucarana
1.2 campo mourão
1.3 curitiba i
1.4 curitiba ii
1.5 paranaguá
1.6 paranavaí
1.7 união da vitória


apucarana has been experiencing value of higher education @ least 56 years. after implementation of state college of economics of apucarana (portuguese: faculdade estadual de ciências econômicas de apucarana - fecea), city administrators brainstormed , went on meet demands of population, region , several cities of paraná, bahia, santa catarina, rio de janeiro, rondônia, ceará, minas gerais , são paulo offering more undergraduate courses.

seven of courses, older ones, part of center applied social sciences. are: administration, accounting, computer science, economics, trilingual executive secretary, social services , tourism.

on other hand, center humanities , education has newest courses teacher training. course of mathematics, example, formed first professionals in 2015. education/pedagogy , literature courses (english, spanish , portuguese) have been operational since 2013.

all 12 courses totaling 1.755 students. in addition teaching, professors develop , support academic community involvement in research , extension projects. these actions allow personal , professional development of academics positive impact in community operate.

campo mourão

formerly college science , literature of campo mourão (portuguese: faculdade estadual de ciências e letras de campo mourão - fecilcam), home of campus of campo mourão of unespar, first institution of higher education in municipality , region located. first steps towards implementation took place in 1964. after period paralyzed in 1967 instituted educational foundation of campo mourão. however, on august 24, 1972 became college. inaugural lecture took place 2 years later, on june 8, 1974.

it has more 40 years since then. considered landmark in campo mourão, campus has strong role in training of professionals , involvement @ least 25 municipalities in region through outreach activities, culture , incentive of researches.

among ten available courses, 5 major degrees (geography, history, literature, mathematics , pedagogy) , 5 bachelor s degrees (administration, accounting, economics, agro industrial production engineering , tourism , environment).

in addition undergraduate courses, campus stands out being first institution offer graduate in broad terms in strict scense comcam. graduate program interdisciplinary society , development (ppgsed) has 2 master classes. latest approval professional master’s program in history initiation selection of students 2016. also, there 2 other proposals in fields of geography , history.

curitiba i

curitiba campus first state school of higher education of paraná. created in 1948 school of music , fine arts of paraná (portuguese: escola de música e belas artes paraná - embap), affectionately called bela , constituted cultural heritage. has tradition in training of artists , dissemination of arts offering quality education , free. foundation result of movement of artists , lovers art , culture in paraná.

it has qualified faculty , approximately 1.250 undergraduate, specialization , extension students. occupies 3 buildings in central curitiba, have graduated musicians , visual artists on 67 years.

on campus, students experience intense contact world of arts through 2 undergraduate programs (visual arts , music) , 6 bachelors (singing, instrument, composition , conducting, painting, sculpture , engraving).

the performance, in line official documents of unespar, prioritizes principles of freedom of thinking , critical , reflective development of speech. therefore, spreading knowledge , culture promotion of citizenship, democracy, cultural diversity and, above all, human , sustainable development.

curitiba ii

the college of arts of paraná (portuguese: faculdade de artes paraná - fap), today called curitiba campus ii unespar, 1 of few higher education institutions in brazil offer courses in various artistic disciplines. identity , respect holds due successful graduated professionals in art field on period of 100 years.

founded in 1916 conductor leonard kessler paraná conservatory of music became, in first few years, reference in training of musicians in south. however, in 2005, new profile draw opening of course film , video. course has become 1 of representative of brazil due production , distribution of cinema , audiovisual works, projecting name of institution.

the campus excels in production , dissemination of knowledge in art , offer student opportunity develop skills, explore skills , produce knowledge through graduate courses , performing arts, film , video, popular music , music therapy in bachelor’s level. degrees areas courses in visual arts, music, theatre , dance.

the structure specially prepared development of course offered , encouraged student participate in artistic , scientific activities ensure quality training. helps renew promote , make culture accessible population.


this state university in coast of paraná, paranaguá campus has long story tell creation of state college of philosophy, sciences , letters of paranaguá (portuguese: faculdade estadual de educação, ciências e letras de paranaguá - fafipar) in 1956 , start of activities on february 3, 1960. therefore, plays important role in training of professionals specialized in different areas , in providing services 7 coastal municipalities of state.

history, mathematics, education , languages (portuguese , english) first courses offered on-campus , still exist. bachelor of business administration , accounting in operation since 1981. recent course, provides choice of morning or afternoon classes, biological sciences began operating in 2005 bachelor s degree.

among objectives professional training, while respecting historical context , differences, pledging contemporary society , in order apply theoretical , practical knowledge aimed scientific, economic, social , cultural advancement.

the campus welcomes students on state, , other brazilian states, participants of unified selection system (sisu). located in paranaguá has total of 2.000 students involved in research , extension activities.


when unespar created, state faculty of education, sciences , letters paranavaí (portuguese: faculdade estadual de educação, ciências e letras de paranavaí - fafipa) became 1 of 7 campuses of institution. founded in 1965 tool training of professionals in higher education , reduction of cultural deficiencies of region located.

in addition forming paraná professionals different municipalities, campus has students são paulo , mato grosso sul. stands out , contributes local development, regional, state , nationwide.

to promote primary objective of regional integration, has 11 undergraduate programs focus in teaching, research , extension. health courses, nursing , physical education offered on campus , represent toughest competition in admission process. on other hand, because of period of activity, courses such management, accounting, biological sciences, geography, history, literature, mathematics, education , social services became great references.

amongst campus differentials offer graduate programs @ master’s level in “education: training interdisciplinary teaching” aim provide scientific development opportunity teacher training, in third group of graduated students.

união da vitória

it offers 9 courses, in undergraduate area, união da vitória campus has been training teachers excellence on 5 decades. founded college in philosophy, sciences , letters of união da vitória (portuguese: faculdade de filosofia, ciências e letras de união da vitória - fafiuv) in 1956. servers community in south of paraná state , northern santa catarina state. makes campus, other campuses, pioneers in higher education outside state capital.

from start, committed development of region , radiating center transforming cultural structure. therefore, has support of 22 municipalities within coverage area, population of around 300.000 inhabitants.

the faculty has professors post-phds, phds, master s degrees, , specialists offer teaching support, research , extension benefiting 1.302 students in courses of biological sciences, philosophy, geography, history, letters (english , spanish), mathematics, pedagogy , chemistry.

with aim support generation , dissemination of scientific, technological , innovation in different areas, counts privileged spaces astronomical observatory, fishing lab , water laboratory allow partnerships different institutions involved in production , sharing of knowledge providing services community.


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