Pirates of the Caribbean: At World.27s End Flying Dutchman (Pirates of the Caribbean)

in @ world s end, captain davy jones serves lord cutler beckett, possesses jones heart , forcibly controls him , flying dutchman, first seen rising sea, mercilessly destroying pirate ships powerful cannons. irritates lord beckett wants survivors interrogate. ensure jones ordered to, beckett places admiral james norrington , squad of east india trading company marines , dead man s chest placed on board remind jones under control. dutchman accompanies beckett s flagship, endeavour in mission eradicate piracy. when dutchman attacks sao feng s ship, empress, takes crew captive (including elizabeth swann made captain dying sao feng). elizabeth , crew escape dutchman admiral norrington s help, although killed deranged bootstrap bill turner. jones , crew attempt mutiny against east india trading company marines stationed on board, mr. mercer, beckett s henchman, proclaims ship under command, temporarily subduing uprising.

the dutchman leads east india trading company armada in battle against brethren court. dutchman , black pearl engage in battle while entering monstrous maelstrom (caused calypso, jones lover). jones killed when, aided sparrow, mortally wounded turner stabs jones heart, , jones falls off board maelstrom. dutchman sucked maelstrom swann , sparrow escape. dutchman s crew carve out now-dead turner s heart (as whoever kills dutchman s captain must replace him) , place in dead man s chest. dutchman re-emerges maelstrom captain turner @ helm. joining forces pearl, 2 ships face off against endeavour. stunned unexpected alliance, beckett unable respond, , crew abandons ship endeavour being destroyed , beckett killed.

the dutchman s crew revert human form , ship reverts original form well, , , elizabeth meet on island , consummate marriage. departs @ sunset fulfill destiny dutchman s captain, leaving disembodied heart in elizabeth s care. frees bootstrap bill servitude, bootstrap decides remain son part of new crew. following end credits: ten years later, dutchman reappears upon horizon amid green flash elizabeth , son await arrival. , sun sets, seen ship.


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