History St. Pius X - St. Matthias Academy

1 history

1.1 pius x high school
1.2 st. matthias high school
1.3 merger


st. pius x-st. matthias academy born 2 great traditions of catholic education in archdiocese of los angeles- pius x high school (1953-1998) , st. matthias high school (1963-2013). in year 1953, archdiocese of los angeles launched pius x high school served co-ed population southeast area of los angeles county. campus home pius x high school 1953 until archdiocese of los angeles announced school realignment transforming co-ed pius x high school, consolidation all-girls st. matthias high school, phasing out pius x program on three-year period. 80% of st. matthias all-girls student body of 300 transferred pius x campus. resulted in larger all-girl catholic high school located on sprawling 15-acre pius x campus became known st. matthias high school girls.

pius x high school

pius x high school (pius x) co-educational, private, four-year (grade levels 9-12) high school. named pope pius x, founded in 1954. present campus of st. pius x - st. matthias academy on gardendale street pius x s campus.

fr. james w. keefe named principal in 1967, , following year, instituted concept of modern teaching, model school project. pius employed educational model called non-gradedness, placed student in class or present achievement deciding factor. emphasis put on progress , learning individual. plan discontinued after keefe left in 1975.

declining enrollment 1980s onward placed financial pressure on archdiocese s high schools, prompting pius x begin fundraisers , form new alumni association in 1986. 25 percent drop in enrollment in 1992 prompted drastic cost-cutting, including firing of 2 coaches , elimination of many sports.

st. matthias high school

a school first established @ stafford avenue , belgrade street in huntington park in 1926, serve parochial school of parish of st. matthias, msgr. patrick shear pastor. leveled in 1933 long beach earthquake , rebuilt, converted st. matthias high school in 1960. staffed sisters of notre dame.

st. matthias high school recognized blue ribbon school of excellence united states department of education in may 2002 , accredited western association of schools , colleges , western catholic education association. st. matthias had well-regarded fine-arts department, producing highly acclaimed productions in theater, music , art. actress sabrina le beauf 1976 graduate.


in 1995, archdiocese of los angeles announced school realignment make pius x campus co-institutional all-girl st. matthias high school. pius x program phased out on three-year period, leaving institution all-girls school.

the merger plan met opposition students, parents, teachers , civic leaders alike. pius x students staged walkout in february 1995 protest decision make school single-sex, , students, parents , teachers st. matthias staged own protest against closure of huntington park campus. plan proceeded, school continued operate under capacity. in 2011, st. matthias advisory board , archdiocese asked loyola marymount university s center catholic education conduct detailed study on options st. matthias. center catholic education study looked @ how school achieving catholic education mission. decided convert facility co-ed school, , name st. pius x - st. matthias academy chosen honor traditions of both institutions.

its mission today focuses on providing challenging catholic college preparatory education in supportive learning community positively affect lives of teenagers, , provide opportunities students grow in faith, learn without limits, , live purpose. mission carries belief college education right rather privilege, , every student deserves chance pass through gateway success in life. every day, caring teachers enthusiastically promote each student significant member of community, guiding them past obstacles keep them seizing academic, personal, , spiritual growth opportunities. mission accomplished when graduates thrive in college, become role-models future graduates, , pursue service of god, country, , humanity towards common good.

st. pius x-st. matthias academy or pma known among community, serves co-ed population of approximately 400 students diverse economic , cultural backgrounds. announced plans begin work on first phase of pma campus master plan completed in spring 2017. through generosity of j.f. shea co. , john h. & cynthia lee smet foundation, school begin new construction , expansion of numerous projects on campus set begin in fall of 2017.


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