Criticism Harm reduction

...some organizations , local governments actively advocate legalization of drugs , promote policies such harm reduction accept drug use , not drug users become free drug abuse. undermines international efforts limit supply of , demand drugs. harm reduction word drug legalization or other inappropriate relaxation efforts, policy approach violates un conventions.

however, in switzerland incidence of heroin abuse has declined sharply since introduction of heroin assisted treatment. study published in lancet concluded:

the harm reduction policy of switzerland , emphasis on medicalisation of heroin problem seems have contributed image of heroin unattractive young people.

critics furthermore reject harm reduction measures allegedly trying establish forms of drug use acceptable in society:

harm reduction has come represent philosophy in illicit substance use seen largely unpreventable, , increasingly, feasible , acceptable lifestyle long use not problematic . @ root of philosophy lay acceptance of drug use mainstream of society. reject philosophy fatalistic , faulty @ core. idea can safely use drugs dangerous one. ... in fact unsafe choice brings great harm individuals, families, , communities across. , sends wrong message valuable yet vulnerable group of canadians – our children , youth.

even though world against drug abuse, organizations , local governments actively advocate legalization of drugs , promote policies such harm reduction accept drug use , not drug users become free drug abuse. undermines international efforts limit supply of , demand drugs. harm reduction word drug legalization or other inappropriate relaxation efforts, policy approach violates un conventions.

there can no other goal drug-free world. [...]

we support incb statement harm reduction programmes not substitutes demand reduction programmes , should not carried out @ expense of other important activities reduce demand illicit drugs, such drug prevention activities.

pope benedict xvi criticised harm reduction policies regards hiv/aids, saying tragedy cannot overcome money alone, cannot overcome through distribution of condoms, aggravates problems . position in turn criticised misrepresenting , oversimplifying role of condoms in preventing infections.


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