Chemical sprays (aka pepper spray or mace) Police duty belt

detachable cs spray holder.

aerosol chemical irritants commonly carried police officers. 4 common formulations are: oc, cs, cn tear gas, or pava spray. referred control sprays, pepper spray or mace.

one method of carrying these in detachable holder, attached wearer belt loop , lanyard. provides officer both easy, fast method of bringing spray in position use against suspect , secure way of carrying it, lanyard means within reach of officer, , have method of drawing should fall.

another method of carriage used, , more basic, contain canister in pouch, secured either velcro or button fastener. canister ready operational use, pouches of type contain coiled spring @ bottom bringing canister reach above neck of pouch when cover undone.

some officers carry taser did not carry oc in past, due concerns of safety (ignition of propellant) , limited belt space; taser , oc considered approximately same level of force. has largely changed in us, taser more effective, , oc sprays nonflammable.


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