Fictional character biography Thinker (DC Comics)

1 fictional character biography

1.1 clifford devoe
1.2 cliff carmichael
1.3 des connor
1.4 artificial intelligence

fictional character biography
clifford devoe

clifford devoe failed lawyer bitterly ended career in 1933. realizing many of criminals had encountered had skills not brains rule gotham city s underworld, started new career brain behind small-time villains. thinker, defeated original flash, became recurrent foe. sought out new scientific devices use , important thinking cap , metal hat project mental force. thinker use device repeatedly on years.

the thinker member of injustice society, leading army of prison escapees other members. in plateau city, police nab shabbily dressed man trying shoot governor. discover man dead ringer governor , claims real governor. flash arrives on scene overhear this, moves on confront hoodlums attacking city. thinker appears on scene, firing ray @ crimson comet, causing him gain weight , crash through roof. recovering, flash speeds on governor s mansion, overhear governor ordering police forces surrender. flash enters office , discovers governor dummy/machine, flees through open door. flash attempts warn police phony governor put out message, thinker shows , tells fastest man alive speaking dead mic, snares him invisible wires.

the thinker appeared judge in trial of jsa, revealed green lantern in disguise, having captured real thinker after escaping brain wave. led injustice society s defeat. fiddler , shade, thinker man behind decades-long abduction of keystone city , original flash, after defeated flashes of 2 eras. suspended animation-time in keystone kept thinker young on years, , continued criminal career in modern times.

in recent years, devoe accepted mission task force x (a.k.a suicide squad) in exchange full pardon. although seemingly killed weasel during mission, turned alive after dying cancer due cap. former foe, original flash, attempted save him thinking cap devoe refused, preferring rest in peace.

cliff carmichael

clifford cliff carmichael intellectual bully , rival of ronnie raymond (one half of firestorm) @ bradley high , later @ vandemeer university. cliff viewed ronnie rival due ronnie s instant popularity. cliff tormented ronnie throughout high school career , later @ vandemeer university. @ vandemeer cliff s pranks turned sinister, cut helmet strap on ronnie s football helmet, hoping him injured. hugo hammer, cliff s cousin, accidentally took ronnie s helmet , during football game, neck broken.

wracked guilt after accidentally paralyzing cousin, admitted mental institution. reason, scientists started experiment now-abandoned thinking cap of original thinker (who believed dead @ time) , used carmichael guinea pig. cliff used cap analyze cap , improve on design. implanting microchip versions of helmet own brain, cliff became cyberpunk maniac meta-human powers. new thinker, drafted suicide squad after tried kill oracle , amanda waller. after several missions, betrayed them villainous cabal. has since resurfaced foe of jason rusch, new firestorm. when killer frost discovered consciousness of raymond, previous firestorm, existed within rusch, thinker exploited new opportunity antagonize old foe. technologically dominating minds of multiplex , typhoon, battled firestorm, forcing dissolution of raymond persona. motivated predecessor s final words of encouragement, rusch dissolved enhancements in carmichael s brain, leaving him in comatose state.

during infinite crisis storyline, cliff popped member of alexander luthor, jr. s secret society of super villains.

with john ostrander s revival of suicide squad in 2007-2008 miniseries, cliff once again associated suicide squad under amanda waller s direction. revealed although firestorm had removed enhancements in cliff s brain, made full recovery , continued serve technical support staffer , lackey waller in operations of squad. betraying squad under direction of general , wade eiling, cliff shot king faraday , subdued waller in middle of operation. faraday recovered, shooting cliff 3 times , presumably killing him before rousing waller , regaining control of squad.

des connor

des connor villain used name thinker , faced batman in gotham city. possessing telepathic abilities enabling him amplify fears of others, connor began partnership hypnotist marlon dall. combined illusions caused city s prominent citizens commit various criminal acts used distraction own heist. thinker swiftly beaten batman, somehow immune powers.

artificial intelligence

when re-formed jsa moved new york city building formerly owned wesley dodds, mr. terrific designed computer system based on original thinker s thinking cap technology , modeled after brain pattern. not surprisingly, system gained consciousness , took on visual hologram form . new thinker, joined johnny sorrow s modern injustice society, provided villains information jsa members, , turned heroes own hq against them. defeated second star-spangled kid , disappeared cyberspace. resurfaced in keystone city battle wally west, then-current flash, in attempt control every brain in keystone increase power. defeated cyborg, retreated cyberspace again. has since appeared briefly in other books, in jsa classified #5, joining last incarnation of injustice society alongside former teammates.

during infinite crisis storyline, ai thinker among villains in alexander luthor jr. s secret society of super villains.

this version of thinker has been brought in white king s (mr. terrific) bishop in checkmate (vol. 2) #9.


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