Reaction 2007 Karsaz bombing

1 reaction

1.1 pakistan
1.2 other countries
1.3 international organisations


president pervez musharraf called attacks conspiracy against democracy .
benazir bhutto: dignitaries of former regime of general zia today behind extremism , fanaticism.
asif ali zardari, benazir bhutto s husband: blame government these blasts. work of intelligence agencies.
fatima bhutto, benazir bhutto s niece: insisted on grand show, bears responsibility these deaths , these injuries.

other countries

 australia: prime minister john howard said s looks work of al-qaeda. benazir bhutto, credit, general musharraf, have both said continue support americans in war on terrorism, said. reminder of evil of al-qaeda. reminder of how important not concede victory them in iraq or in afghanistan.
 canada: maxime bernier, minister of foreign affairs, said bombings appalling act of violence , , urged parties in pakistan adhere rule of law , continue build conditions free , fair parliamentary elections
 france: nicolas sarkozy condemned attack targeted benazir bhutto , left numerous victims. sent france s condolences , sympathy president , political authorities in pakistan families of victims.
 india: manmohan singh, prime minister of india condemned assassination attempt on bhutto , conveyed condolences on involved loss of life. while singh’s separate letters bhutto , pervez musharraf condemned terrorism , extremism in forms , leader of opposition in lok sabha, lal kishan advani, rang bhutto express solidarity her. india’s foreign ministry spokesman expressed outrage , anger felt in country.
 united kingdom:

prime minister gordon brown, said shocked learn of bomb blasts in karachi have killed on hundred people , injured many others. appalled horrific use of violence against entirely innocent people...on behalf of british government please accept sincerest condolences pakistanis have lost lives. can assured of united kingdom s continuing support work committed building peaceful , democratic pakistan
secretary of state foreign , commonwealth affairs david miliband, said condemn utterly use of violence against entirely innocent people , attempt suppress right of pakistanis express democratic voice. share shock of pakistani community in united kingdom @ these horrific attacks .

 united states:

u.s. department of state spokesperson tom casey: there no political cause can justify murder of innocent people. responsible seek foster fear , limit freedom. united states stands people of pakistan eliminate terrorist threats, , build more open, democratic, , peaceful society.
u.s. national security council spokesman gordon johndroe stated united states condemns violent attack in pakistan , mourns loss of innocent life there. extremists not allowed stop pakistanis selecting representatives through open , democratic process.

international organisations

commonwealth of nations: secretary-general don mckinnon condemned attack, stating legitimate aspirations of people of pakistan enjoy peace, stability, prosperity , democratic way of life must not allowed thwarted senseless acts of violence .
united nations: statement issued spokesperson secretary-general ban ki-moon read, (ban ki-moon) condemns terrorist attack , expresses condolences families of victims. trusts political forces act strengthen national unity.

^ cite error: named reference bbc invoked never defined (see page).
^ bhutto hits out on bomb attack . retrieved 6 november 2014. 
^ pakistan blasts kill 123 bhutto returns
^ fatima bhutto criticises benazir . dawn. archived original on 24 october 2007. retrieved 22 october 2007. 
^ 136 killed blasts rip through crowds welcoming bhutto , cbc news, 18 october 2007
^ in quotes: bhutto blast reaction . retrieved 6 november 2014. 
^ india assails attack on benazir
^ pm condemns pakistan bomb attack ,, 19 october 2007
^ cite error: named reference cnn invoked never defined (see page).
^ commonwealth condemns attack on convoy of mrs benazir bhutto , commonwealth secretariat, 19 october 2007
^ un: ban ki-moon voices shock @ deadly bomb attack targeting ex-leader of pakistan: 18 october 2007 . retrieved 6 november 2014. 


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